
 things and stress are building up to a point of exploding.. 

It’s so hard everyday to just be patient and wait on Daniel to text me.. He always says he will text me but he never does.. It bothers me because we can have amazing talks like we did the other night and then it is like im invisible again.. I know the Air Force keeps him busy but does he realize that it hurts me to see him on Facebook all the time and see him tell our friends on facebook that he will text them but he never "remembers" to text me.. I like him.. I like him alot.. He makes me happy right now.. .We’ve both been though alot and I just want a chance to show him that Im not going to screw him over like Mandy did.. 

I’m tired of being invisible to everyone.. Tyler wont even talk to me anymore.. The other day he told me he wasnt doing good right now and when I asked him if there was anything I could do to help he said nope and just logged off.. I’m tired of being thrown to the side.. 

I’m starting to realize, even though I dont want to, that maybe Daniel doesnt like me.

I Don’t Know What To Do 

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