work *edit*
UPS is taking a toll on my body. I am getting old even at age 30. And that is when many people say you’ll start noticing the aches and pains.
It’s just frustrating though. I know I’ll be an excellent supervisor at UPS. But i have to go through six months of this loading crap. I have to shoot for 1/3000 missorts. A missort, for example, is loading a box that is supposed to go to Lenexa, Kansas into a trailer going to Souix Falls, South Dakota. And in this case, it has to come back to Minneapolis before it can go to Lenexa. This is bunch of crap to have this goal as a prerequisite for supervisor. I understand the need to know how to do the job before you can be supervising someone doing the same task. But it doesn’t mean that you’re really qualified as a supervisor.
this is my case, I’m sure my supe hasn’t had any prior supervisory experience before this. He is only a college student. And I don’t want to look down on him because of his youth, but his inexperience as a supervisor is becoming a headache. He is nothing but a drone for the company. he needs to make production costs but when he sends people home, the union dictates that he offers the higher seniority workers the option to go home first. But these guys are the experienced loaders and when we get hit towards the end of the night, you leave us slower newbies working and if we had a night ***edit***like last night ***end edit***, instead of having the lowest guy stay an extra 30 minutes to finish loading the irregular packages onto the trailers, we had three additional workers for that 30 minutes. So labor was blown with an extra 90 minutes.
If we kept people there longer to begin with we all could have gotten out by 9 and we wouldn’t be overwhelmed and tired out. And then we could actually be more productive and more motivated. Definitely less frustrated.
Oh and the guy who designed the drop frame trailers needs to be shot. He never loaded a trailer in his life and doesn’t know how frustrating it is to load that trailer.
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I was at UPS years ago and hear you on all these things especially the trailers. As for the high seniority people the thing that drove me nuts was the ones who wouldn’t work knowing the union would protect them. Good luck and I hope the aches go away for you.
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ick loading trucks, i hate loading trucks.
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night last night?
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sorry to hear you’re having a hard time, friend. my prayers are with you
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i havent loaded for ups but i have loaded and un loaded trucks
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That’s so frustrating when you have a supervisor who is still pretty new to supervising. It’s a tough position for you both I guess. I never noticed you’re from MN! I am origionally from the Aberdeen, SD area. I actually grew up in the country north of town.
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