
 i am babysitting today at there house, and i have all 3 of them. yesterday i just had tooky at my house.

 ikey and ian is playing here in the living room and watching cartoons. and tooky is taking a nap in his room.

and im trying to finish my yesterdays hobbies. lol  witch is writing to you in here in my diary and then watching some backed up youtube videos.

then i can start doing todays hobbies. witch is watching my 2 shows days of our lives and dallas, then watching backed up youtube videos.

today is also crafting wed. but i will have to wait til i get off work and go home to do that. and we have church tonight too, but my left leg and knee

is swallen and hurtting me bad so i may not go. my new crafting buddy from church did come spend the night with me last week on tuesday night.

and we worked on our junk journals again. then wed. i tought her how to crochet some. and she went to church with me that night then went home after.

we wanted her to come over this week too but it has not worked out yet.

untill next time.


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