Woah! Slow Your Roll!

I understand that people get mad at people with fake diaries but come on. This is someone’s diary entry:
Hey Yawl!!!! Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hey!!! Whats up? This is Britney Spears. I have a regular paper journal, but I thought it’d be cool to start an online one, too. I’ve been doing pretty good. Yesterday my lil sis Jamie came over and we went shopping together. So much fun!!!!!!! Oops!!! Gotta run!!!!!

Not a very believable entry. Certainly not horrible in the way some fake diaries are. Not particularly offensive.Now this is the reaction this entry invoked from just 1 noter. There are many other really out of control noters out there. I just don’t get how a slightly ridiculous but basically harmless entry could provoke this level of animosity.

You forgot something though, retard. Britney Spears is a has been. Her career is just about over. She is married to a ugly redneck who lives off her millions which is quickly using up. She is pregnant and fat and covered in acne and her roots are showing badly. It’s sad that you are so out of it that you think Britney Spears is still cool. You weather beaten OLD HAG. Get update. Lard ass. [cheerleader suicide]
You don’t even know the current news. You are sad sack of shit. You are so disgusting, flies wouldn’t even buzz around you. You probably live in your mom’s trailer and bite your toenails with her curlers in your hair and every so often wipe the grease from lard your mom is always frying off your dark framed glasses while pit stains stink up your nasty goofy t’shirt. JUST GO DIE. INBREED TROLL. [cheerleader suicide]
It must suck so bad to be you. The only hope you have in this life is to make up fake celeb diarys and find pretty pictures of other people and post them all over your diary and then find valley girl graphics and stick them all over your diary to convince people that you’re a hottie and not a liftetime user of noxema. HOW SAD. but I don’t pity you. I just hate because you make the world ugly [cheerleader suicide]
with your nasty pig snout and little squinty piggy eyes and big fat barrels of fat stinking out in front of you when you walk. You don’t even have to be mean to people, your ugliness and nasty face is enough to sicken the world. That is why you should just die. You serve no purpose except for as a joke for others to laugh at. You think you are in on the joke because “allow” others to laugh at [cheerleader suicide]
you like this? sort of beat them to the punch? sorry bitch, but we were already laughing at you behind your back before you even came in. You’re disgusting and nasty and gross. And it doesn’t matter what you do to yourself, we still see how disgusting and repuslive and sickening you are really are. It must suck to have no life. I am laughing at you so much. Maybe you can use your dad’s smelly [cheerleader suicide]
crusty boxers that he lives laying on your mom’s couch that is covered with bite marks from rats to dry your eyes with after you finished reading this. Maybe that will help. Then after that, you can shove the broom handle down your throat and close your eyes and pretend you’re giving Tom Hanks a blow job and write about here, pathetic fat cow. [cheerleader suicide]
What kind of world do we live in when someone would say such things to someone they don’t even know over something so stupid? Someone needs some anger management tips.

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August 6, 2005

It just makes you wonder which one needs to get a life more, the fake celeb diarist or the one freaking out over a silly diary entry.

August 6, 2005

I left a note on that girl’s diary telling her I was christina aguilera!

August 7, 2005

Hey I like ur previus entry,lol. Yeah I agree with u when it comes to someone who have a fake diary. And I thought all the people who have diary in here r honest about their life. But Im wrong cuz there r people like the one u mentioned. Anyway ur in my shout out list,lol.

August 7, 2005

I was a little meaner than I should have been when I noted Britt_Spears. But I was mostly just joking around. But that cheerleader person.. oh my god! That’s what invoked the “fake diary rant” entry. I mean, britt_spears is making a fake diary, but she’s not doing anything THAT bad. She didn’t deserve notes that horrible.

August 7, 2005

That’s actually kinda sad all those things she wrote. I guess it just says that people would like to be others (myself included, so I am not saying I am better) while others have to put people down to feel good aboutthem selves.

Ahhhhhh…. Who cares……. Not like ANY of you even KNOW if it is or isn’t……………………. unless you hack…….