Uping One’s Charisma Score or Nasty Notes

Now life is not a game of Dungeons and Dragons nor do I have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. (Well aside from the sex not = love thing and I’m working on that one, but I digress) However, if it were a game I would say that someone spent all their points in their other attributes and forgot about their charisma score.

What the hell does this have to do with anything you ask? I will tell you. I had a disagreement about point of view with somone. They were talking one stand. IE: Pot is BAD! I disagreed with their stand. IE: Pot is harmless and the amount you smoke tends to decrease in most cases as you get older. Apparently this difference of opinion made the other person so angry that they had to leave me a nasty notes (which I deleted, lol, you can stop looking) and mention me by OD name in their diary. ( Something I choose not to do to her because I took points in charisma ;-D)

Now on to my point. I welcome differences of opinion. If someone has an opinion vastly different from mine and it becomes obvious that neither party is willing to budge on the topic, isn’t it better to simply agree to disagree and change the subject than to get nasty about it. So what we don’t agree. Who cares! If everyone had the same opinion life would be horribly boring.

And if you happen to disagree with what I just said…That’s fine. We won’t talk about it anymore.

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