The Big day and What Does That Card Really Say?

So today is Lucas’s birthday. He just turned 24. (He’s still a baby *heehee*) We were going to wait til midnight to give him his present but neither of us could hold out that long last night. LOL. We made it til 11:40pm then it was all over. He loved the gun so much. He babbled to me about all it’s features and made me feel the air as it came out of the barrel. He even made me kiss it goodnight. Then he sleept with it. heehee.
I am about to wake him up then we will go fill the co2 tanks and paintball for a while. His mom will be BBQing her famous chinese style ribs and there will be ice cream cake, *does a lil dance* But first we will run around the yard and shoot paintballs at each other. Woo HOO!
So Now that the card is open here is what it actually says.

You are getting sleepy…
verrry, verrry sleepy.

You will buy youself
an expensive present
and think it is from me.

You will be forever grateful
and think I am very generous.


LOl. I love that card. Well all It is off to paintball.

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Hehehehehe.I hope you had fun at the party.I like ice cream cake too.My sister once made it for my mothers birthday 2? years ago.It takes a while to make, but it is soo good!Enjoy everything today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bye bye

May 21, 2005

I still love that card. Hope he had a great b-day!

May 22, 2005

yaaay come home!!!! Yeah, musically the show was great…but just boring

May 22, 2005

Yeah I’m pretty sure I’m not pregnant though:o) My wedding will be disgustingly expensive and very tradtional..but I’d LOVE to go to one I had to dress in costume for!

that’s a really funny card. thanks for the note it helps to feel i have someone other than crystal on my side cuz it sure seems that way lately. even if it is simply od people. it helps. not sure what ya missed but if ya have any questions i dont mind answering. ask away. again thank you. glad ur still readin. take care. i think i could really benefit from some paintball shootin rite now.

May 22, 2005

I’ve never played paintball before. I know, I know. I’m pathetic.