Swollen and Sore

I was having some trouble with the arm the pic line was in. They put it in my right arm and I am right handed. Naturally that was a bad idea. It is next to impossible not to “Overuse” you main arm. I had to call a nurse on Sunday as my whole arm was throbbing and the vein was all hard. Plus there was a red patch that was growing. I got yelled at for using my arm and was told to keep it elevated and use a heating pad on it. So I was unable to type. (Sorry for the lack of entries and notes)
Well I went back to the doctor today. She said my abscess looked great and they are going to take the pic line out either today or tomorrow. YAY!!!!!!! I can’t wait. Also my disability was approved until the 16 so I have like another week of fun with no work! Oh and I get paid. Only half but that will be more since I usually never go to work at all. heehee.
Aija and Jesse came over last weekend and I ended up eating strange vegan foods. I found it kind of disturbing. Lucas came and picked me up Monday night and brought me to his parents. He fed me meat and cheese 2 days in a row. lol. I think I traumatized him with tales of the tofurky. Which is in case you were wondering a faux turkey. lol. I amuse me.
I got pissed at Aija on Sunday. Lucas had been wanting to pick me up since Saturday and I was telling him no because Aija and Jesse were here and it would be rude to run off and leave them here. So on Sunday Aija was wining all day that we had no liquor. I talked to Billy and he brought us spiced rum and tequila and assorted beers. So she drinks all the spiced rum and then they decided to go over to our friend Matt’s house. (Aija’s ex. He is still in love with her.) She and Jesse said that they’d be back in an hour (This is around 8:30) and we would have dinner when they got back. Billy and I stayed at my place. So 2 and 1/2 hours later they weren’t back yet. Billy and I were tired of waiting so we ordered out. At 1:30 Billy left still no Aija and Jesse. Jesse cxame back after 2 am without Aija. Who refused to leave as she was still talking to Matt. SAhe never came back the next day either. When Jesse left on Monday they had to go over there to collect her. That is what I hate about her the most. She ditches people all the time to run off with any boy. Especially Jesse. I feel so bad for him. What bothers me the most is if she wanted to stay with Matt she could have just said so and taken her stuff and I could have gone to Lucas’s parents on Sunday instead of sitting around waiting until monday. People suck. Think I’ll stick to Anime from now on.

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September 9, 2005

awww man!! I’m sorry about your arm! That sucks ass!! I’m glad your getting all better!

September 9, 2005

girl i was starting to get worried! Especially when i got back from vacay and you weren’t around! Glad things are looking a lot better! Hope youre doing ok! Miss ya!

September 9, 2005

*hugs* glad you’re better (and with free time to blow! do something awesome)…you deserve some fun after being forbidden to use your most important limb

September 9, 2005

the only benefit of tofurky is that you can have as many “legs” as you want…at that’s what folks tell me, I personally am not a leg person.