So it Continues


Another day like the others. Fun. I read til noon and finished the book I was working on. It was a Terry Prachett novel called Truth. Terry Prachett is one of my favorite authors. His stories are good and very funny. At noon I went for a quick dip then out in the boat. We stayed in the boat til around 2:45. Then we went swimming for awhile. Then Lucas’s friend Charlie came by. I met him last year when we were down here. We went over to Charlies for a couple hours and played some PS2 then came back to our cottage for dinner.
The boys headed back over there to play more and I stayed here to catch up on this as it has been 3 days since I have written anything and the days tend to blur when u are doing pretty much the same thing and having so much fun.
We are going to be headed out to see Mr and Mrs Smith tonight. In the meantime I have some more books that I would like to start reading so alas I must be going. Good night for now.

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