
This is an exercise in description. I will describe my friend as he seems to me. He says you never really get to see how other people see you and has been bugging me for this. How well can I truly describe him though, knowing that he will read this? I will try to be honest even if he finds it offensive
1. we will start with a physical description. I have known him for 8 years so let’s see how observant I am. lol.
He doesn’t seem that tall to me as compared to some of my other friends. Under 6 feet I would say or maybe around 6. He has short dirty blonde or very light brown hair and blue eyes.His most distinguishing facial feature would be his chin as it has that little cleft thing and I don’t see that often. He is medium build. Not too skinny or flabby. He tends to dress in layers and a lot of black. Often times he will wear a baseball cap and sunglasses
2. Now I will describe what I like about him: He is very intelligent. He keeps up with what is going on in the word around us and has an opinion on any number of things. He likes to learn new things and he is always asking questions. (Sometimes I find this just a little annoying.) He has a good work ethic. He is a good friend. He likes to watch kung fu movies, and is interested in history, philosophy, and sciences. Plus he makes me laugh.
3. Now what I don’t like: He sometimes says racist things around me. He knows I get mad and sometimes I think he is doing it just to annoy me. He is ALWAYS late. Sometimes he teases me until I flip out.
4. Things that are neither here nor there but I have noticed: He is addicted to pot. Seriously he has to have it. If he can’t get it he will get alcohol to take the edge off. Also that maybe the reason he has a good work ethic….Pot is not free. He can kick my ass in halo. Occasionally I get off a good shot though. He is smarter than me, I think. I often find this irritating. He is very compassionate towards animals. He doesn’t like people but loves humanity. Plus he has a bit of a God Complex sometimes. Just because an online quiz said he was a deity and a fortune cookie told him he was a God. lol. He doesn’t like it when I use lol to answer something he says to me and do not continue the conversation. He get annoyed when I tune him out. I don’t blame him. I do it accidently sometimes. I am working on it though.
5. Finally how our friendship has evolved: When we were younger we met through mutual friends. I didn’t really feel much one way o the other about him. We hung out when it was mutually convenient. He had the car I had moneys. Over the years we went through phases. There were times we’d hang out all the time. Then we wouldn’t see each other for a long time. Then we’d run into each other somewhere and we’d go back to hanging out all the time. This time though we have been hanging out pretty regularly for like 2 years, or so, I think. It is defiantly a record.
So there it is. I did it. I hope it is what you are looking for.

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August 25, 2005

wow……..that would be very cool to read (if I were him) hope he likes it and isn’t upset about it!

August 25, 2005

He sounds like a cool friend.Rest assured that ur going to get big thanks from him for writing this entry.

*hugs* New entry.

August 27, 2005

that’s cool. hope he likes it!

You have very interesting friends!