My Thanks to Crystal. You got Another Good One.

Hmm…I guess my last w entry was so horrifying no one wants to deal with my shame. So I figured I’d just steal another survey. Then I could be witty and funny and everyone could feel warm and fuzzy and make silly comments. Wee!

If Stripping Were The Only Way To Get Money, Would You Do It?: I guess so. Money’s good though I am pretty sure only dirty old men want to see me shake my ass.
Do You Think They Use Rats At McDodonalds: Nope. It’s kangaroo from what I hear.
About How Much MSG Do You Think They Put In Chinese Food?: What is MSG anyway?
If You Ever Saw A Ghost, What Would You Say to it?: What are you looking at?
Do You Believe Angels Really Exist?: Sometimes.
What Would You Do With A Big Bucket Of Slime?: Stick my toes in it. Heehee
If Someone You Knew Had A.I.D.S, Would You Treat Them Like Crap?: Never.
What Would You Do If Someone Called You A Slut?: I’d say, “That’s cum guzzling gutter slut to you, bitch”
If You Had A Chance To Be In A Movie In Which It Involved Kissing A Really Hot Famous Guy Would You Take The Chance?: Hell yeah! Preferably Johnny Depp.
Have You Ever Electrocuted Yourself?: Nope.
At About What Age Do You Think People Get Really Boring?: It depends on whether or not they realize that just because you are an adult doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun.
Do You Like Pickles Dipped In Chocolate Pudding?: Yuck.
Would You Ever Consider Getting Pregnant At 16?: No. I don’t want children. I can’t have them anyway.
Are You Wonderful?: I have my moments.
Who Would You Ever Sleep With?: That depends. How drunk am I?
Do You Know Anybody With Purple Hair? Not right now. Though most of my friends and I have all done it.
Are There Any Normal People In This World?: Who gets to decide what is normal anyway? I want that job.
Isn’t School Totally Useless To Your Life?: No. Knowledge is power.
Do You Like Slinkies?: Doesn’t everyone?
Are Clouds Really Marshmallows?: No but I can pretend.
Do You Like Me?: That depends. Do you think reading is something that you should only do because you have to? If so then no I don’t.
Did Your Mom Ever Drop You On Your Head When You Were A Baby?: How would I know. *Feels my head* Seems ok.
Were You Ever Abducted By Aliens?: If I was they wiped my memory.
Are You Absolutely Insane?: I didn’t think insanity was an absolute kind of thing.
Who Let The Dogs Out?: I did. About an hour ago.
Do Jumping Beans Really Make You Jump?: Depends on where you put them. Heehee.
Do you ever watch Porno Movies?: Only about 100 times.
What Makes Hair Grow?: Rogaine.
Why Are Oranges Orange?: Because if they were gray no one would want to eat them.
Do You Enjoy Singing 100 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall?: Only to annoy people. Then I found a better song for that. It goes: “are we there yet, are we there yet? How bout now? How bout now? LOL.
Why Does The Energizer Bunny Keep Going And Going And Going?: It has no other purpose in life.

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June 3, 2005

yeah i was a little lost on that last one. this one’s fun im going to do it….later

June 6, 2005

essentially MSG is some type of salt.

June 6, 2005

Hey, I can’t have kids either! I swear, if I would have known that when I was in my slut phase…I could have saved myself a lot of stress (missed period) and money (at home test.)

June 6, 2005

i must say i like the energizer bunny thing you said the most. HA!

June 6, 2005

something’s wrong w/ my aim and i can’t sign on!! norton anti virus says its making “rules” for it and then AIM won’t connect GRRR

June 6, 2005

:o) mmm hard lemonade is yummers…*wishes she could use aim* maybe I’ll re download it…