My New Found Love for Sucky Customers

I just discovered the greatest web site in the world. It is called I love that website. So I wrote a few of my own stories to add and thought I’d post this one here as well for fun. If you have a job in customer service you should check out this web site. We are not alone. LOL.

I used to work overnight at a big Grocery store. One night started out normal and I was cleaning the registers as usual. The security guy came up to me and told me that there was a women in the store who was stealing items and that I would be called into the security office because I was the only female working in the store and he could not be alone in the office with the women for obvious reasons.
So he goes and gets this women and calls me into the office. So he procedes to tell the women that he has caught her on tape and shows her some of the footage. Then he asks her to empty out her purse.Now up until this time I had not seen what the women had stolen. This is just the items that I remember. Mind you this was about 4 years ago now. The women begins emptying her purse we find a couple small ceramic bunny froms florist. She stole the plastic spoon out of one of the plants. A cap gun and some caps. Post its. Fudge, but the fudge containers wouldn’t fit in her bag so she just opened it and poured the fudge into her purse. (eeww was she gonna eat that?) A pack of monarchs, (If u gonna steal ciggies you should at least steal the good kind. I mean they are FREE) Plus a chore boy sponge.
So the whole time she is emptying her puse she is crying and babbling about how she doesn’t know what she is doing and her son is a junky. (Do you think she was stealing the spoon for him) Then she says that the real reason she came in was to get a job. The security guy and I just started laughing. So he tells her that he will let her go this time but if he catches her in the store again he will press charges.
So he asked me to escort her out. On the way to the store the women looks at me and says “Can I buy ciggarettes here, or do you think I should go somewhere else?” How bout NO!

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May 9, 2005

this website rocks my hot pink socks!!! Its awesome!!

May 9, 2005

OMG that is freaking hilarious! I have got to visit that site.

May 10, 2005

LOL ahhh, yes.I have a few too. Heres mine: Me + a friend used to work night shift at a 7-11. Bear in mind he’s a rugby player, big build, muscles. This guy comes in tries to hold us up with a syringe, my friend, walks over to him trying to intimidate this robber with his pure hugeness, as he is going over to him, my friend trips over, hits his head on the counter. breaking his nose.

May 10, 2005

the rest of the story is: the robber saw the blood, ran. And all our workmates saw the tape and laughed when my friend didnt know they had and tried to tell them he broke it playing rugby. That was a good night.

June 22, 2005

OMG what a lovely woman!! haha