Market Price

I got absolutely nothing done yesterday. After I finished writing my entry I just played around w/the random button on here for another couple hours. Lucas woke me up at 11 because my friend Matt was supposed to come bring us another ticket for his show today. Of course at 11 I hadn’t been asleep that long and the last thing I wanted to do was get up. I logged onto the game and sent Matt a mail saying we wouldn’t be able to make it then I managed to fall back asleep finally. I dragged myself out of bed at 2:30. messed around on the computer for an hour or so. Our friend Chris was supposed to go to Matt’s show with us. We called him at 3:30 and he said he was sick and couldn’t go to the show. Lucas told him we were supposed to be there an hour ago. Unable to drag him out of the house we did the next best thing and went to the liquor store and bought some whiskey. We played drinking games until Lucas’s dad took us out to dinner.
The restaurant, a place called Jimmies, was crowded but nice. It’s a seafood place down by the water. There was a 15 minute wait for a table so Lucas and I went outside to smoke a cigarette. While we were smoking an obviously fucked up barefoot women approached us asking for a smoke. She babbled about how she was trying to quit and none of he friends had any. She also said they had been partying down at the beach for a couple days. Lucas and i laughed as she went back to join her friends. Made me miss the times i had spent days partying on this very same beach w/my friends. Sleeping out on the rocks.
Most of the things I wanted I didn’t order because many things on the menu said Market price and all that means to me is expensive. Personally I think if someone is nice enough to take u to dinner u should try and keep your order reasonable. I got chicken and shrimp w/broccoli on linguine. It really needed some flavoring so I ended up bringing most of it home. A night in the fridge and some garlic should fix it up nicely. After dinner Lucas and I went out for another cigarette and discussed other pricey meals we had in the past and which ones were the best. For three of us the bill came to almost 100 dollars :0
Lucas told me a story I thought was funny about his dad and his cousin. His cousin Ed and wife Susan were in town and they had all planned on going to dinner. There was some sort of great manly debate about who would be paying for the dinner Roger, Lucas’s dad, or Ed. Roger called ahead and gave the restaurant his credit card unbeknownst to Ed. So when the Ed and his wife and Lucas and his parents arrive at the place Ed immediately gives them his credit card for the dinner. Thinking that he is paying Ed and Susan order anything on the menu that looks good to them. Lucas said they ordered like 10 dishes. lol. So Roger ended up paying like between 300 and 400 dollars for that dinner.
Ed and Susan may be in town tomorrow and if they are we are all supposed to go out to dinner. Hmm Maybe Roger’ll let them pay this time.
I went to bed early again last night 11 and sure enough I was awake and up at 3:30. I gotta get on a regular sleeping pattern some how. It’s 5 in the a of m’s now and the sky is beginning to lighten. The sun will be coming up soon. Maybe I’ll go out and watch it. For all the days I’m up before the sun or have yet to go to bed It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a sunrise. Good Morning and Good night.

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June 10, 2007

ryn: nothings wrong with Trannys. But when one of them f*cks my man then wants to get his friends involved after i confronted him in a desserted car park thats when i have a problem. on another note your diary lay out is very trippy.

June 11, 2007

i must say drinking games with whiskey is awesome a sure way to get you drunk.

June 11, 2007

Wow, you’re back like the tina turner song! I almost didn’tremember who you were it has been so long! I’m back too. kinda I always say I am going to start writing in here again and then I never do… you know anyway, thanks for the note.

June 11, 2007

ryn: wealthy men come with a price. mine hits me and hurts me whenever he feels like it just because i don’t have an income because he chose for me not to have an income and thusly thinks he owns me and my happiness due to the fact i need his money to survive.