Long Ass Party.

I’m kinda tired now, but I figured I’d try to write quickly before I retire for the night. Let’s see on Friday Aija and Jesse came over. We hung out and chatted about our future, watched Tv and movies, and drank beer all night long. It was 5 Am before I finally made it to bed. I got up at 6:44Am. Billy called at 7. I got a naked Aija off the couch and cleaned the living room. The guys got here maybe a little after 8Am and we played D&D until sometime after 4:30. Then Slug showed up and he brought another Jessie. Then Alon and Sysca came over. Then Jake and his girlfriend Ga. We hung out and drank til around 11 something then I went into my room and took a nap. At 1:15AM Jake woke me and bitched at me to get up and come play. So I got up and then Billy came back over. We all hung out until 2:30 Am and then Billy left and the rest of us passed out in various places around my living room.

I woke around 7 Am and said bye to Matt, Jake, and Ga. Matt was going to Ozzfest and Jake said he was going home to sleep somewhere comfy and wasn’t getting up til tomorrow. I hung out with Jesse for about an hour and then I went back to sleep til around 11. I had some of the pasta Jesse made around 7 then passed back out til 1:30.Then Billy called to say he was coming over and i woke Aija and Jesse up. We hung out for like an hour then Billy arrived bringing Risk and like 7 little shots and 2 1/2 pints. So we played Risk and drank til like 6, when Aija and Jesse left.We were glad cause Aija was looming horribly over all the continents. About 10 minutes after they left we noticed Aija had accidently grabbed Billy’s bag instead of hers so they had to turn around and come back. Then we ordered chinese and started a new game. We played for awhile. Couple hours at least. Billy over ran the world and, once I was driven almost completely back to Australia and Billy was getting 20 armies a turn, I conceded defeat and ran off to the grocery store with Lucas. So all in all i had a great 3 days but 3 days of hard drinking will wear a girl down. Now I’m tired and I’m going.
P.S. Go back and play my song game some more only 3 songs were guessed out of 20. You can get more than that. I know you can do it!

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no togas?

Sounds like you didn’t get much sleep, I’m happy that you had fun.Risk is a good game to play.My brother always kicked my a$$ in playing though… Do you like to play chess??

July 18, 2005

Nice. Very very nice.

July 18, 2005

Get some freaking sleep already! Jeez, it made me tired just reading about all that.

July 18, 2005

drunken RISK is the best game on earth! We mostly play Lord of the Rings RISK in my circle though.

July 18, 2005

RYN: Yah he is/used to be a big drinker he kind of has the drinking face going on haha