Kiss & Tell

Stolen from Agnostic_boxcutter who took it from BlackTearsFalling. Who knows where else this things been. lol.

Age of first kiss: 8 or 9

Number of people you’ve kissed: 7. OMG I just realized I have had sex or oral sex with more people than I’ve kissed. eewww!

French kissing is: Nice. Depending on how well it’s done.

The worst kind of kiss is: too wet. If you have to wipe the whole bottom half of ur face, that’s too much. lol.

The best kisser you know: Lucas for no tongue. Aija for tongue.

The worst kisser you know: Jeff.

The celebrity you’d like to kiss: Johnny Depp. What can I say. The man is HOT!

Favorite movie kiss: I liked the one from The Island. Where the clones kiss for the first time. Billy says his is where conan kisses the last breath of his dying girl. Then he described the scene as follows:
she said let me breath my last breath into you
and they kissed
and she dies
he burns her
and then kills everyone involved
with her death

Do you kiss on the first date? Sometimes. Depends on how much I’ve had to drink really lol.

Eyes open or closed? Closed..most of the time.

Ever kissed a friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? Yes.

The last person you kissed: Lucas.

Best place to be kissed: my neck.

Have you kissed someone of the same sex? HAVE I EVER! *grin*

What about the opposite sex? yes.

Do you consider kissing cheating? Again depends on the kiss. Casual peck between friends ok. Any deeper emotions bubbling underneath that yes.

The longest you’ve gone without a kiss: maybe a year.

The kiss you regret most is: my first kiss. I kind of didn’t want to. It was an older boy and I was intimidated.

Kiss you liked most: Randy. He used to taste like cloves. Plus I really loved him.

Kissing in public is: I can’t say too much on this. My friends used to say Lucas and I looked like a gum commercial when we started going out. lol.

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August 14, 2005

more oral sex than kisses? hmmm me too 😮

August 14, 2005

You know, it’s weird..guys wouldn’t be able to answer half of these questions. Well, I wouldn’t anyway. Ive no clue how many people Ive kissed, or who the first one was. Does that make me a kissing slut? God, I hope so. Ive always wanted to be some sort of slut =D

August 14, 2005

Stealing is bad ya know,lol.

Whats the surgery for?Is Jesse okay?How is everyone else?I’m sorry she has a hard name to remember how to spell.Are you holding up okay?Talk to you later

August 15, 2005
