Initiation and Probation

While Lucas and I were eating our McGriddles this morning he said, “I have to disagree with something you said yesterday.”
“Really,” I said, “What’s that?”
To which Lucas replied, “You said sex changes everything between friends. Look at us. We’re still friends.”
So I said, “yes but I don’t hug or kiss Billy or Matt. I only do that with friends that I’ve had sex with. It’s a totally different dynamic.”
Then Lucas said, “They just haven’t been initiated.”
Then he kept threatening my face piercings with the new cold heat souldering iron thing. LOL. Breakfast ingested and fun had, we passed back out. I woke up like 50 minutes before I had to leave to work and ran around trying to get ready. Lucas wrote a letter to his probation officer requesting permission to leave the state to go to Maryland at the end of the month. So we are holding our breathe and keeping our fingers crossed. We are all so looking forward to this trip. I hope it doesn’t get ruined. Keeping within the soundtrack for life thing here’s a song for ya’ll:


They set the rules
They want me to break
Take all my money
Set me straight
Then they confine me
Make me check in
Analyze my piss
Ask me where I’ve been

They send me to classes
That say I’ve been bad
Take some more money
Prove to me I’ve been had

And they’ll keep on trying
To straighten me out
And the more that they try
The more I doubt
This system of corrections
That they put me through
Hasn’t brought about change
But, this is nothing new

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June 9, 2005

*crosses fingers* I hope he can go!!

June 9, 2005

whoa this diary is making me dizzy!!!! how the hell did you make it FLIPPY SIDED!?!?!?!?! THATS SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Chels*

OMG I love that. That whole probation thing is great. As you know I’m sure I moved to Ohio three months ago for a fresh start but because I don’t have family here the state of Ohio refuses to accept me because I still have two more years to belong to the states. So I have to move back which has caused major drama. I kinda want to but still its insane. Probation just blows. I love that.

June 10, 2005

We, the people of the state, could come up with alternatives for those who choose to break the rules. W’ve had other methods of dealing with unruly children. But you didn’t like that either. So now we get you where it hurts the Most, in the wallet.

June 10, 2005

Holy crap… I’ve only been on here three times… and I constantly forget to deselect options and end up changing them acidentally… they’re all fixed now….. I think…. hope

June 10, 2005

ten years hunh… sex definatly changes your feeling toward the person…. even if you consider sex as normal natural hedonist act. Deny it all you want…. your subconciuos says otherwise…. intamcies bring feeling of possesion, fear, jealousy, and is the path to the Dark Side lol

June 10, 2005

wonder I do about this note. show up the right way, will it, since backwards is your diary? worry not, will you. fine everything will be. maryland trip saved, certain of this I am.

June 10, 2005

See you are not Yoda…. Sra v appears to be though…

June 10, 2005

Oh lord wont you buy me a Mercedes Benz Keep shooting and you’ll be able to find the tid bits I’m sure…. I cant be anonymous if you tell people my irl name, course they could always hack me. Go ahead Spread Tuwile’s Philosophy around.

June 11, 2005

GIRLIE! why aren’t you on aim!?

June 11, 2005


June 11, 2005

Erm, my shift key seems to be sticking