If I Have To Do It So Do You. Please?

10 Years ago … I was hospitalized for attempted suicide. I was a dumbass.
5 Years ago … I stopped snorting coke and moved in with Lucas. (Obviously I was still a dumbass.)
1 year ago … I got VERY drunk at my birthday party and couldn’t find my shirt, after puking in the shower. I came out in shorts and a towel. Then I passed out in Lucas’s bed after babbling to Alon about god knows what (Probably about how much I loved Lucas)…I was a dumbass. LOL.
Yesterday … I worked. I also found out that do to my attendence my transfer will be delayed 2-6 months. I’m a dumbass.
Tomorrow … I wll go to work on time and stay all day. I won’t be a dumbass.
5 bands/singers I know the lyrics to most of their songs ….. Nirvana, 3 Doors Down, 3 Days Grace, Nine Inch Nails, and Cake.
5 things I would do with $100,000,000 … I’d pay Roger the money I owe him with Interest, I’d give each of my parents and my brother 10,000, I’d pay off my 2 credit cards, I’d buy a house, and I’d throw a kick ass party.
5 things I like doing … writing, reading, watching cartoons, playing video games, and snuggling.
5 movies I like … The Crow, Labyrinth, Office Space, Student Bodies, and Lost Highway.
5 people I’m tagging …

Lovin’ Rob
Artemisia Starr
I tagged you all because you note me often and I was hoping you would take pity on me and be “it”

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July 20, 2005

yay you did it!! :o) geeze…no more bein’ a dumbass

July 20, 2005

being late to work is bad.good thinking ur going to work on time and money well spent.u tagged me,lol.now what do I do?:).

I’m happy today.Cool I’m tagged.What do I do?Bye bye.Smiles***

July 21, 2005

You mentioned Office Space! I love, love, love Office Space! Yay!

Hey this no internet having thing could be an advantage. You don’t get tagged. Anyway just sayin “Hi” Take care…I’ll be back soon….

Oh. thanks

July 22, 2005

Were you addicted to cocaine?

July 25, 2005

whoa thats a LOT of dumbass behaviour LOL

July 25, 2005

Youve gotta be the coolest person I know. Nirvana and The Crow. I love you =D