I Got Tagged

5 Things – tagged by magicstar

Five details about me:
1) I love to role play.
2) I secretly believe in happily ever after, but not for me.
3) I love video games.
4) I like hentai because animated people turn me on more than real people.
5) I am insanely ticklish
Five details about your appearance right now:
1) I’m wearing shorts.
2) I have no shoes on because I hate all forms of shoes.
3) I’m wearing my Big Daddy Boss Man T-shirt.
4) My toenails are purple.
5) My hair is loose and wild because it keeps falling in my face and I keep shoving it back.
Five things you did yesterday:
1) Went to the Doctor.
2) Watched tv.
3) Tried to catch up on OD.
4) Talked to Billy and Matt.
5) Read a Terry Prachett book.
Five memorable things you did in the last year:
1) Went to Maryland with Lucas, twice.
2) Had a 44 LB. tumor removed, along with my ovaries and my appendix.
3) Learned how to pack and irrigate my own wounds.
4) GM’d for the 1st time ever, badly, I might add.
5) Bought my mac mini.
Five favorite musicians/singers:
1) PJ Harvey
2) Three Days Grace
3) NIN
4) Toadies
5) Dope
Five favorite movies:

1) Shrek
2) View Eskew (All of them. IE….Jay & Silent Bob)
3) The Crow
4) Kung Fu Hustle
5) To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
Five things that make you happy:
1) Friends
2) Music
3) Books
4) Snuggles
5) My kitty
Five things that impress you:
1) Honesty
2) The ability of people to continue loving even after your heart gets stepped on and crushed.
3) Selflessness
4) Random acts of kindness.
5) Good gaming skills
Five things that DON?T impress you:
1) Liars
2) Shitty attitudes
3) People who think the world owes them something
4) People who don’t like to read
5) People who enjoy hurting others for no reason.
Five things you cant live without:
1) Cigarettes
2) Computer
3) Friends
4) Books
5) Video Games
I have opted not to tag anyone because they just refuse to do it then I look like an ass.

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September 10, 2005

You got tagged again,lol. What is up with this tagging games?.Anyway check with ya later.

September 11, 2005

yeaa!!! Someone else who doesn’t tag!! hehehe wow!!! a 44lb tumor! Guess I’m going to have to do some back reading!! Damn woman!

September 11, 2005


September 11, 2005

i love dope. do you have the new album? i think its FANTASTICO!

September 11, 2005

Wow, another Toadies fan. Cool!

September 11, 2005

american apathy is their newest one. it came out in july. i think its fabuloso. its got i want to say 15 or so new tracks and then the rest of the album is thier usual concert lineup… get it. http://www.dopearmy.com

September 13, 2005

Thank you. (: It means so much to me to be an honors student again.