Excuses Excuses

So Um it’s been a long ass time since I’ve written and you probably all thought I was dead, but I’m not. (If there’s even a you that remembers me anymore) I sort of got away from writing and the in October of last year I discovered World Of Warcraft. I think it’s the greatest game ever and it’s swallowed my whole life. I quit my job to play. Really the only friends I still talk to now are Lucas cuz I’m crashing in his room at his parents house, Billy, and Matt. I am talking to them cuz i got them playing so now I see them in the game but hardly ever in real life. This addiction, and it is an addiction, is probably very bad for me but i can’t seem to stop. Worse yet I don’t want to. I feel so disconnected from my real life. I have been withdrawing further and further into this fantasy. Sometimes it seems that it is all I have left.

My brother left a little over a month ago for new mexico. He switched from Air Force Reserves to active duty in the army. I don’t know where he’ll be stationed yet but i worry about him. He tells me I’m stupid to worry and that he’ll be coming back, but that’s what everyone thinks right? I got to thinking that if he doesn’t come back our family name will die out. I try not to dwell on that thought.

Anyway I would like to catch up a little on some of the lives I have missed in this past year. I’m sorry I’ve been so lax in my writing. I can make no promises but I’ll try to make sure another year doesn’t go by before I write again.

So many of my favorites are gone. Weird how u can miss people you never met. I hope Donn (Get Fuzzy) made it out of Iraq ok. His diary is gone. I miss Kim’s Slim too. It’s good to see some of you are still here. Some of you are faves only now. I hope I can make your lists again. I feel as though I should have pages and pages of entries to make up for the year I was away. Too much has happened to say it all and somethings seem too private to talk about. Looking back through my old entries though it seems I didn’t hesitate to speak my mind even the painful and embarrassing. Perhaps I just need to get back into the swing of things. Hoping that this will help me to talk a more honest look at how my life is falling apart and try to fix it. If it’s even fixable at this point. I just have to believe it’s never too late.

Speaking of late though it’s 7:47 am and I should probably get some sleep. Good night all.

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June 8, 2007

Youre backwards diary confuses me, always has. Im glad you updated, it’s been way too long! I’m glad you’re doing well too Take care

June 9, 2007

oh my god jackie! i don’t hate you! i’m just on vacation and hadn’t checked my notes! i took you off my faves a while ago because i didn’t think you were around anymore! :o(