Drama Queens & Gas Station Scenes

I think if I started a diary called tired, irritated, and wanting that could pretty much describe my whole life right now. Though no one would ever read it. Depressed people take so much energy away. I am beginning to get irritated with people who always have a problem and then if u tell them it will be ok and don’t buy into the drama they get all pissed off and refuse to speak to you. Every little thing does not need to be turned into a huge disaster. I just don’t have the energy to deal with people like this right now. It is amazing that I ever did. I am too old for Drama Queens.

I took a quiz yesterday. It was called what do you really think of your friends. You had to pick which friend you associated with certain colors and flavors. The whole thing was complete bullshit as the only color I associate with any of my friends is pretty much black anyway. Plus tell me this do you think of any of your friends as a saltine cracker or a meat snack? I know I don’t. Anyway I answered the questions to the best of my ability I chose Billy for the color white because he has a big white van and in the summer he often wears just plain white cotton T-shirts. So when I got the results it said that Billy was my soul mate. We both thought that was pretty fun. He said, “Since you are taking a stress day I’m going to come over when I’m really stressed tomorrow and make you miserable, SOUL MATE.” lol. He also said that it also entitles him to call and wake me up at 2 or 3 am. I said go ahead I’m never asleep by then anyhow. hee.

My aunt thinks my inability to sleep and the weird itchy hot flashes are because I need to be on hormones, which I already know. I guess at some point I will have to go do that. Just for today though, I am SO tired. I know that this won’t get any better until I do that though. Maybe tomorrow. That is all I can bring myself to write for now but I’ll share a story with you to make up for my lack of enthusiasm today. It is another one from customerssuck.com because I love it.

While working at a gas station some 6 or 8 months ago, I heard the most singularly stupid statement ever uttered by a man. A guy had just finished filling his ’85 RX7 and turned the key. The engine detonated, blowing the hood halfway off the car. What was left under the hood caught fire, and the man got the hell out of his car. I had the day off, but my coworker figured out what happened and hit the emergency stop, which drains the pumps. The customer at the other side of that pump immediately rushed over to my coworker and demanded to know why his pump had stopped! She explained that she was forced to drain the pumps to prevent the 15,000 gallons of gas in the tanks from going up; and that only the fire department could restart them. (And only after the fire was put out) The customer got even madder, exclaiming, “I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time to wait for the fire department!” And this No-bull prize wiener is allowed to drive a car!

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May 18, 2005

I think of Keys as my beefjerky snack that I hate looking at;o)

May 18, 2005

hey thanx for your note. im guessing that person at the gas station seriosuly lacks in common sense!!! hehehe, made me laugh anyhows xxx

May 18, 2005

I’m so past the point of even tolerating drama queens. I seriously can’t handle that crap anymore.

May 18, 2005

what kind of thought is that– what kind of food are your friends? hun. i would have to say couscous. definatly and raspberries.

May 19, 2005

Drama queens are like mosquito’s. They suck. ahaha, funny eh? =P

I know what you mean.I’m too old for drama, or atleast feel like it.