Down in the Park.

Today was a lot of fun. I stayed up all night fucking around on the computer chatting with a favorite then playing Geneforge 3. I LOVE that game. Then around 8 we played paintball for awhile. That was fun til I accidently got shot it in the face, as one of the paintballs went under my mask. That was the end of the playing for me for the day. I promised Lucas we’d play later tonight.

Then we went to pick up Chris. Unfortuantly, that part didn’t work out so well. Chris got a new perscription for some dexadrine but his nurse Maurice said it didn’t look like the Dr. had signed it. I was in the other room when I heard Maurice say, “That’s not a signature that’s a dildo.” I started cracking up. Chris said, “Stop laughing. You’re giving yourself away.” So we had to wait around Chris’s place to see if the pharmacy would take it. I had 3 drinks while we waited. Chris and I ended up discussing the nature of friendship for quite awhile. I said that sex changes everything. In our discussion I was talking about someone I have been friends with for like 10 years.(Someone I have NOT had sex with mind you.) I missed him and he has been calling the past few days but I always miss the calls because I’m always at work then.

Long story short I showed up at Labor Ready as I knew Kam was bound to show up there at some point. He and I went to the park and drank beers and nips. Chatting about old times and catching up on new. Some parts of the convo were ugly but they had to be said. All in all we both had a great time. Then Kam started walking me back to Labor Ready as that is where Lucas was coming to get me. Lucas pulled up next to us on the walk back and Kam and I said our goodbyes. Hopefully we’ll hang out sometime next week.

Lucas and I headed back to get Chris. I was feeling really sick from the heat, and the fact that I’d been putting nothing in my body but speed, alcohol, and nicotine for like 24 hours. So I poured water on my head and drank a lot of water. Then I laid down in front of Lucas’s AC and chatted with Billy via AIM for awhile. Then a had a tiny bit of dinner and passed out. Since I had spent my day in the park that song was stuck in my head. I think lives should come with a sound track. So here it is:

“Down In The Park”

Down in the park
Where the machmen meet the machines
And play ‘kill-by-numbers’
Down in the park with a friend called ‘five’

I was in a car crash
Or was it the war
But I’ve never been quite the same
Little white lies like “I was there”

Come to “zom-zom’s” a place to eat
Like it was built in one day
You can watch the humans
Trying to run

Oh look there’s a rape machine
I’d go outside if he’d look the other way
You wouldn’t believe
The things they do

“We are not lovers
We are not romantics
We are here to serve you”
A different face but the words never change

Down in the park
Where the chant is “death, death”
Until the sun cries morning
Down in the park with friends of mine

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June 10, 2005

I have theme music. Conan Sountrack.. I guess it includes other song cause there are times in which the Theme music doesn’t apply or correctly exemplify the situation. LIstening to a Walkman or the radio in the allows you feel like you have a soundtrack…. if it’s loud then others know you have one… Especially if you are always listening to music

June 11, 2005

Do you guys have your own paintball stuff? One of the few time I went..I got shot in the side of the neck. My whole body went numb and I dropped to the ground. Then I was fine after. Was fun times =D What are nips?