Domestic Bliss, to be or not to be?

Well I was away for a little. I went to Waterbury and spent some time with Aija and Jesse. They still want me to marry them and come live with them. So I checked with work. There’s a call center and Waterbury so I could just transfer there so keeping my job is not a problem. I would get mad sex and that would be cool too.Plus I would be closer to the kids whom I love to death. They are awesome. I love Aija and Jesse so being with them would be great. So what’s the problem?

Well there are 3 actually. The first being that Aija’s mom who lives with them has 16 cats and a dog. I don’t think I really need to go into more detail there you know what that entails. Secondly, other than Aija and Jesse all my friends live here in New Haven. I would have to be on the bus for an hour and a half anytime I wanted to come visit. Though Aija’s dad may be getting her a new car as hers bit the dust. Lastly, Can I really leave Lucas? We aren’t together and we never will be because he’s gay. So staying there is just some kind of sick torture but still I hate the thought of going.

I’ve spent all day obsessing over this. I’ve made mental lists of pros vs cons. The pros win every time. I still however can not decide. It’s unfair to everyone to keep waffling over the decision. I must choose some course of action. I have been making myself sick over this all day. I decided to make my decision after my vacation. I don’t want to ruin my vacation trying to decide. Just 4 more days. WOO HOO!

Now a funny story for you. Shortly after Aija and Jesse moved to Waterbury they got into a fight. They had been drinking and Aija wanted more. Jesse said she’d had enough. Hence the reason for the fight. Then Aija’s mom had liquor but she refused to give any to Aija any because she said Aija was being a dick. So Aija drove to the grocery store but it was 5 minutes after 9 so they couldn’t sell it anymore. So she is all pissed off and heading home when she sees a Chili’s.

Aija goes into the Chili’s and orders a drink. While she is waiting she spots a rat behind the bar. She calls the bartender over and whispers that she has seen a rat and he should get the manager. So the manger comes and asks her and she stated that she had seen a rat and while she was waiting for the manager she had seen a couple more. The manager apologized and said they knew about the rodent problem and he would appreciate it if she didn’t tell anyone one she had seen. He then instructed the bartender to give Aija all the free drinks she wanted.

Well Aija got TRASHED. She got so drunk the bartender took away her keys. She then got in a fight with the bartender because she was out of cigarettes and he wouldn’t give her keys back so she could get the pack out of her car. So she went out to the parking lot and began yelling at everyone who walked by that Chili’s had a shit load of rats and they shouldn’t go there. Needless to say she spent the night in jail. She pled guilty because she vaguely recalled threatening to kick the cops asses and figured it would be better if they didn’t get involved. So she had to do a day of community service. LOL. Now that’s the kind of women I want to marry.

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June 20, 2005

I hope everything turns out ok for you…It doesn’t sound like a very easy decision…and lol to your story. damn rats…

June 20, 2005

LOL…that IS a funny story.

June 20, 2005

I think in situations you have to trust your first and gut instinct. You can’t dally back and forth. Pros and cons don’t always work. My first initial and gut reaction (although I don’t know you or your friends so this is in valid) is that being with them would not be a good situation for you. I think you deserve better. I think you’ll end up feeling a little left out and sad, you deserve better.

June 20, 2005

LOL so great. As for your decision, its one of lifes curveballs which you will have to decide for yourself. give it time or alternatively consult a magic 8 ball, best of three. 😀

I always do watch my back.In this world you never can completely trust those that you love that have wronged you before.

June 21, 2005

RYN: I left you a note and read your entry! Sorry to include you on that list.

Wow what a predicament…think i can talk crital into getting us another woman to marry? lol heehee….hell after her i couldn’t handle another one though…later

Hehehe thats funny