Curses! Foiled again.

(For the purposes of this journal Dan will from now on be known as Lucas)

So Lucas got up about 1:30. We went shopping and came home, made lunch, played some ps2, and read some more from get fuzzy’s journal. Round 5:30 we decided to go get a new video game. We got to the gamestop a little after six but it was closed already. So we drove to the mall. That of course is closed too because everything in New England closes at 6 p.m. on a Sunday. Lucas wanted to go to his parents house to pick up a drum. I did not want to do that because I was trying to avoid Roger til I have some rent money. He promised he would be quick and I could just wait in the car.

A little background for those just joining us. Roger is Lucas’s dad. He was being avoided for 2 reasons. 1. I owe him like $900 in rent at the moment. 2. Last Sunday he came over to get Lucas up for a family engagement. Lucas refused to get up and had dead bolted his door. He comes and knocks on my door waking me up. I said yes and he opens my door to find me, Aija, and Jesse in bed together. Aija was butt naked. I quickly covered her but obviously could not take back what he’d already seen.

Long story short Lucas took forever and his dad came out and saw me. This lead to a discussions I did not EVER want to have. It went something like this:

“Jackie, good to see you. We need to talk about finances.”

“UM…yeah. Finances.” Some nodding. “yep”

“I have this check here you wrote me awhile ago,” he says pulling out his wallet. “Can I cash it now?”

“How much is it for,” I asked. I only asked this question to buy time as I know full well I have like $20 in my bank acount.

“Let’s see,” Roger said while pulling out the check. “A little dusty”

“Er…ha ha,” A little fake laughter as I am very uncomfortable.

“It’s for $500 dollars and you wrote it about a month ago,” he adds, helpfully pointing to the date in case I needed a visual aide.

“Well, um, you can cash it on Friday,” I say trying not too look guilty. Ok, I’m thinking. It’s all over. Not too horrible. We are about to leave. Everything is good.

“By the way,” says Roger, as he puts the ancient check away. “I’m really sorry about the other day. I didn’t mean to barge in on you….guys like that”

Me- AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not happening! It’s a horrible nightmare. Wake up! Wake up.

Roger moves closer. I’m only assuming he does this so Lucas will not over hear what he says next. Which is: “You know that is the first time I’ve seen a women naked in 30 years, other than Sandy. Aija has very nice legs”

Me- BRAIN OVERLOAD…. SHUT DOWN…..REBOOT. “Ok um…yes. Well we had really better be going now it’s getting late.” I practically ran to the car. I thought you were already in the car you say. Well no cuz Lucas made me get out and help him look for the orange spray paint.

I get in the car. Lucas is just sitting there. “Why are you just sitting here,” I ask shrilly. “Drive, God Damn it!” Lucas of course thought the whole scene was hilarious. oh also, he mentioned that now that I’ve lost so much weight you can see the beginings of my womenly curves. Who says womenly curves anyway? Ugh! I go bleach my ears now.

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I am so sorry. That had to have been very uncomfortable. Where in New England? My mom lives in Massachusettes and I’m in Cali.