Breaking and Entering, and Keg Parties

Well, I just got my invite and wouldn’t you know it, by some miracle I actually got the 14th and 15th off. I can’t wait! I’m so excited. *Does a little dance* I am kind of sad too because I will miss my friend Slug but he is only going a couple of states away, so he is not completely lost to me. I included the invite. Minus the address. Can’t have you OD people coming and sucking up all the Beer. LOL. Just kidding, kinda. *Grins* Slug has just finished college. He is going to go be a sex therapist. Like Dr. Ruth only Slug has a tattoo on his neck that says “Choke me while I stroke it Bitch” At least we know people who see him will be getting lots of advice on how to spice things up. LOL.

yo check it,
heres the deal:
im fukin graduating, moving to PA and missing the piss
out of NYC–so decided to throw a wicked party and
want all my friends to be there…..
the party/show will be at______________________
Saturday, May 14
4pm – ??? (chance it might start earlier)
cheap cover

Bands confirmed:
bands im waiting confirmation:

plus PAT (Deviant Behavior) DJing kick ass tunes
kegs + fun punkin rock
theres a couple bands that might be added, depending
on confirmation/non-confirmation from other
bands….ill keep you all posted

Now as far as today I am kind of pissed off. I was getting ready to go to work this morning and I could not find my keys. I gave a quick look around and was like what the hell Lucas is picking me up anyway and he has his keys. So on the way to work this morning Lucas looks a little dead. No very unusual as he was on day 3 of being awake. So I said, “I get out of work at 9. Will you still be up?”
“Yeah. We got the car started but I really wanna get it running today.”
You sure you gonna be up because I don’t have my keys. That’s why I was waiting for you outside so Matt could lock up when he left.”
“Don’t worry about it I’ll be there.”
“Ok. Have fun working on the car. I’ll call u at 8:30”
So I called his cell. No answer. His Parents house. No answer. Our apartment. No answer. I was like God damn it and so I called a cab. I was SO pissed. By now this was like 9 hours after our prior conversation and I had forgotten that I didn’t have my keys. So I spend $12 on a cab to get home. Get out of the cab and realize I have no keys and no one is home. So I went to my upstairs neighbor, China’s apartment. He said he had no phone. So I’m standing there like I could go to walgreens get change for a dollar and waste it calling the same places I already called. Probably get no answer again. But even if 1 of Lucas’s parents did answer and came to bring me the key I would still have to sit here and freeze until they came. So I was just like screw that. So I climbed in through the kitchen window. I think that at 26 though I’m getting a little old to be climbing in my apartment windows. I was supposed to be past that stage by now. It was good I did though because Matt didn’t get home until after 1 so I would have been outside for like 3 and 1/2 hours. It’s freezing out too. Well I am working my way through a 500 page comic so I better get back to it. Good night all.

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Wow it’s sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun.

May 8, 2005
May 8, 2005

Have fun at the party! And yeah, I would have been PISSED about having to crawl through the window, too.

May 9, 2005

LOL @ ur friend Slug