Another Side

Well, I really debated with myself weather or not to write this entry. I have a lot of nice people and I didn’t want to offend them or scare them away but when it comes down to it, this is my diary. There is really no point in keeping it if I don’t talk about what I want for fear of judgement by other people.  So here it is.<P>

Tonight I have been having SO much fun. We were all headed over to Lucas’s parents.  All being Lucas, Chris, and I. I had to do laundry and the boys wanted to work on the car. The first thing that happened when I got in the car was Lucas gave me 2 dexadrine and Chris gave me three percs. We then stopped at the dollars store and Chris bought cleaning shit while Lucas and I sat in the car and rocked out to the Ipod. We then stopped at Thorton’s for gas because it;s kinda cheap there. Then we went to Amity padckage because the guiys wanted to get Sparks, but they were closed since it was after 8. (For those of you that don’t know in Ct. it used to be that all liquor stores closed at 8pm. They passed a new law recently that says if the store wants they can stay open til pm. LOL.  Big difference right) So we went to a different liquor store that was open til 9 but they didn’t have Sparks. The boys ended up getting a 6 pack and I got a bottle of wine.<P>

So we got to his parents and I put my laundry in. I got to watch the satalite tv. The guys have been working on the car and I am about to go take pictures of them. I promised I would. I helped Lucas sand the inside of his drums because we had laquered them but they ended up sounding kind of funny. So now It’s 20 of 6 and I have to be in work in 6 hours but staying up all night and playing was so worth it. Plus I saved some of the dexadrine so I can take them at work and won’t feel like I’m gonna die cause I didn’t sleep.<P>

Quick side note before I take off, I don’t know how people with pc’s manage to use OpenDiary. There are all these wierd options and things at the top of the screen. Plus Lucas’s parents have dial up. It is SO slow. I think I would die without DSL and my Mac. Well that’s it for now. Good Night all, or would that be good morning? 

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May 12, 2005

I don’t know if I really want to be pregnant. Obviously NOT being pregnant would be the “easy” way, but it could be exciting, and with Keys $$ I’d be freakin’ set for life ;o) I wouldnt have to worry about not being able to afford a baby, which would be awesome. But still, he IS married, so that complicates things quite a bit.

May 12, 2005

Yeah he did just have a baby…but mine would be cuter!!!! have a good day at work!

There is no reason for me to be mad. People are entitled to there own opinions. But what I wrote was completely true.

May 12, 2005

Thats right,this is ur diary,u can write whatever u want to write,lol. Dial up,yikes!. Its a thing of the past to me. I hate it.

May 12, 2005

You should TOTALLY down load AIM then just delete it before you go!! I wanna chat!!

I understand what you are saying about not commenting but it’s really hard not to when she writes about you in her diary you know. I tried and it didn’t work. She still was talking sh*t. I just have to deal with it. I love him and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that him and I are happy even if that means getting along with her.

May 13, 2005

Sounds like a fun night. =) I dont know you’ll care or anything but diary lay out…it really f*cks with my head =P