Another Chance to Learn that Which u Never Knew.

1) Pierce your nose or tongue? I have both done but the nose HURT! Knowing then what I know now I’d still do it.
2) Be serious or be funny? Funny.
3) Drink whole or skim milk? Whole
* . . . ARE YOU . . .*
4) Simple or complicated? Complicated. Is anyone ever really simple. I think everyone is complicated.It’s the nature of the beast.
* . . . DO YOU PREFER . . . *
5) Flowers or angels? Flowers
6) Grey or gray? Grey.
8) Lust or love? Yes. I want it all baby. The whole package.
9) Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
10) M&Ms or Skittles? Peanut M&Ms.
11) Rap or rock? I once made a CD called Rap Rocks, Punk. Which was a mix of the three. I like a bit of everything.
12) Staying up late or waking up early? Up late. It’s 2:58 AM right now. Who needs sleep?
13) TV or radio? Computer.
14) Water or soda? Crystal Light
15) Eating apples or oranges? Oranges, without a doubt.
* . . . ANSWER TRUTHFULLY . . . *
16) Do you have a crush? I’m still not quite over Lucas, though he disgusts me.
17) Who is it? Johnny Depp.
* . . . DO YOU PREFER . . . *
18) Being hot or cold? AC is turned to 65 and it’s aimed right at me.
19) Tall members of the opposite, or short tall? I don’t get it.
20) Sun or moon? Moon.
21) Emeralds or rubies? Rubies. It’s my birthstone. I want ruby hair.
22) Left or right? Right
23) Having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend.
24) Sun or rain? Both.
25) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Cookies and Cream.
26) Green beans or carrots? Green Beans.
27) Low fat or fat free? Low Fat.
* . . . MISCELLANEOUS . . . *
28) Who smells? Who doesn’t?
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? Spiders freak me out but by nature I’m not a very fearful person.
30) Kids or no kids? Aija’s kids.
31) Cat or dog? Kitties!
32) Half empty or half full? Half left.
33) Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup or cranberry mustard.
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? I don’t discriminate against books. I LOVE BOOKS!
35) Newspaper or magazine? Magazine.
36) Sandals or sneakers? Flip Flops. 365 days a year. Even in the snow!
37) Wonder or amazement? Both.
38) Red car or white car? Red!
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? Sad and rich. I am a firm believer that while money can’t buy me happiness it sure can buy me a lot of distractions. 8-D
40) Singing or dancing? Singing.
41) Hugging or kissing? Hugs!
42) Corduroy or plain? Corduroy. What can I say it makes that great sound when you walk. lol.
43) Happy or sad? Happy.
44) Purple or green? Purple.
45) s, s? Um…yea.
* . . . ABOUT YOU . . . *
46) What time is it? 3:17 am
47) Pets? Doc and Linux. (Kitties)
48) Height? 5’4″ish
49) Eye color? Brown
50) Hair color? Brown, red. strawberry blonde. I need to re dye it.
51) Piercing(s)? Nipples, labret, tongue, lip, nose, eyebrow, and ears.
* . . . WHAT DO YOU WANT . . . *
52) Where do you want to live? Amsterdam. 8-D
53) How many kids do you want? I already have a cat thank you.
54) What kind of job do you want? Photographer. As art not portraits. *shudders*
55) Do you want to get married? Yes.
* . . . WHICH IS BETTER . . . *
56) 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4
57) Coffee or ice cream? Coffee with ice cream!
58) Shampoo or conditioner? Conditioner.
59) Bridges or tunnels? Tunnels.
60) One pillow or two? 2.
* . . . FAVORITES . . . *
68) Salad dressing? Creamy Italian.
69) Color of socks? Black. Though I hardly ever put on anything other than flip flops.
70) Toothpaste? Crest whitening.
71) Food? Cob Salad. Has to be the most unhealthy salad ever. lol.
72) Toothbrush? Oral B.
74) Drink? Cyrstal Light or Arizona Iced Tea.
75) Character? Dream!
* . . . RANDOM QUESTIONS . . . *
76) When was your last hospital check? March.
77) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully somewhere cleaner. hee hee.
78) Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Convicted? Not convicted no.
79) What do you do most often when you are bored? Computer, books, video games.
80) Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you? Aija and Jesse
81) Are you open minded? Very.
82) Can you be in love with two people at the same time? Yes.
83) Love of your life now? ………………………………………………………..

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I had a dream about you last nite…it was an opendiary kinda thing. You had no face, you weren’t there or anything, and I don’t remember at all what happened. I just remember there being a shatteredillusions. I think I owed you money lol….

Nina’s so silly, she has some of the weirdest dreams lol. Anyways, I’m stealing this… Latas.

August 3, 2005

I am noting you. see my note? eel…that sounds slimey and gross. but i’m open to try anything

August 3, 2005

nice survey,lol.