Ancient Beyond My Years

Lucas is really starting to get on my nerves. I am too old to have friends who still behave like they are 12 all the time. Occasionally is exceptable. We all have our silly moments but all the time is just too much for me to handle. I am just so tired of dealing with it, and with his dad. I am 27, I don’t live with my parents, for a reason. I really just need to bite the bullet and move. Even if not to Waterbury just away from Lucas. Rent in my city is just mind blowing though. I would defiantly need a room mate. I need to think this through some more.
I am going to a party thing today. Is a pot luck thing. I have my eggplant parmesan in the oven as I type. Lucas is supposed to come too but now he is grumbling about it. Maybe I’ll just have him drop me off then at least he can’t ruin it for me. Billy is going to be there and it’s in Bob’s house sort of. Is a three family house and they are having it on the second floor. I told Lucas Bob’s downstairs neighbor is gay but I didn’t mention that he has a boyfriend heehee. Maybe Lucas will spend the party chasing him. Anyway, I have to go check the eggplant. Later peoples.

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August 21, 2005

I go away for awhile and you get sparkles on your diary! I’m jealous!! :p I hope you have a good time at your potluck.

August 21, 2005

Have fun at the party:D.

August 21, 2005

Come move to Tulsa and Nef and I will get a three bedroom and you can have two fun roommates, and occasionally see a celebrity walkin’ around nekkid;)

August 22, 2005

Those sparkles are soooo cool!! Where did you get them? I wanna cool diary too, but no one will tell me how. 🙁 haha