An Explanation of Sorts

I don’t think we’re ugly insides. True there are things we would rather keep hidden, but that’s not the entire thing. We all have these places of inspiration and beauty. I think you have these places too, so I highly doubt we are all ugly inside. Good luck. (Killing isn’t wrong, it’s just misunderstood)
Ok so I got this note on my last entry and I felt I should explain. It’s is not that I think any of us are bad people. To the contrary, if I thought someone was a bad person I would not consider them a friend. Also I realize we all have our good qualities. However of all my friends I would say there is at least 1 thing that taints my view of their beauty. Since I only have a few good friends I will break that down even further for u.

1. Very pretty. I don’t think I have ever seen her happy. She is the most miserable person I know. All the love in the world can’t compare to her ex who abused her. He had lots of money and she wanted it. Now he is dead and she talks about him alot. Never mind that she left him because he beat on her and cheated on her. Nevermind she has a husband who loves and would do anything for her. Plus he is cute and not small either ladies.
2. Again great wrapper. Is a good friend. He has a thing for kinky degrading sex. He wants a women who likes to be abused so he can abuse her and not feel bad about it.
3. Again another beautifully wrapped friend. He is arrogant and selfish. Plus he likes LITTLE boys. Need I say more about that.
4. Fairly pretty friend. He has fits when he is drinking and angry runs around punching things or cutting himself. Has a devoted GF who has been with him for a number of years. He can’t let go of another friend who is married and can’t let go of her dead ex.
5. Used to be pretty but cut off all his hair. lol. Still a decent package. My favorite and least dramatic friend but prone to scary anger and while it has been very seldom directed at me I am afraid it doesn’t make him a truely beautiful person.
6. Again another pretty nice package. If you like the fringe looks and I do. He dates a girl around 16-18. She falls in love. The sex get’s old. He dumps her and gets a new girl.
So then that said I think I have explained my position. I have a story to write tonight and I should really get to it. Night all.

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July 28, 2005

The thing is you’re right, there is filth and ugliness inside EVERYONE. Its so sad but its true.

This is the new diary name…just thought that I would let you know.

July 29, 2005

RYN: Question number 5…LOL, where do I begin? I accept the challenge and will post the answers later.

I’m really glad that I could be with my dad because its so different since he’s usually never wanting to do anything with me. Thanks for the note!

July 31, 2005

hey is it just me or u didnt mentioned any names? Well we r all not perfect. People have their strenghts and weaknesses. I think most ppl r nice but there r ppl who have issues and just wants to be mean to everyone and they enjoy it. I pity them cuz I bet they r not happy with theirself and finds happiness in degrading ppl. Indeed that is sad.

July 31, 2005

It’s not the fact that it’s not there that I was trying to get too. You shouldn’t ever have to justify yourself to me, I’m not worth the time. But it’s just the fact that there is soemthing good in everyone which should cover the bad, or I don’t think there is hope for anyone. I just think it’s a consintration on the wrong thing if you focus on the ugly rather than the bad.

I added you, I thought you were already on there, my bad… Latas.

August 1, 2005

You got a variety of different kinds of friends. Some sound odd though. Anddd, you forgot me. The friend thats wrapped in chocolate and has a sweet cherry-filled center =D Heh, take care dude