All Night Long. ALL NIGHT!


Again another great couple of days. I spoke too soon about the sunburn of course and now I’m slightly burnt but not too too bad. just my ahoulders and neck. We went out on the boat around 10. I hit my arm jumping of the boat when I hit it on the ladder so now I have a huge bruise but other than that everything has been so wonderful. As usual most of the day has revolved around the lake.
We went into town again. We had to hit up wal mart for some groceries. Tomorrow is the pitch in at the club and we are making a couple of pies. I actually found a bathingsuit that fit so now all my clothes won’t be wet. lol. I must have jumped into the lake in at least 4 different outfits. I was down to 1 pair of dry shorts. We also stopped at the liquor store and I gbot a big bottle of mudslide and a bottle of wine.
At 5:30 we brought the boat back in and got ready for dinner. We went out to this fancy restuarant/banquet hall. Sandy, Lucas’s mom, is throwing her dad’s 85 birthday party there in August and she wanted to try some of the different sauces to figure out what they wanted to serve. So we all got 4 different dinners and sampled each others. We decided on the stuffed chicken. It was stuffed with some appley almond stuff, which was actually quite good.
After dinner Lucas and I went back out on the boat for awhile but we came back in around 10 because there was some lightening. We asked eachother trivial persuit question and drank all my mudslide til like 11:30 then since there was no more lightening we went back out on the boat. We stayed out on the boat all night just talking. We saw a mother duck and some ducklings. We weren’t moving in the water and they came right up to the boat. They were so cute. At 5 AM we parked the boat because we were almost out of gas. We took pictures of the sunrise. Some in black and white, others in c olor. Then we did a 500 piece puzzle.
When we were done with the puzzle we went out and got gas for the boat. Then we drove Sandy over to this awesome house on the lake. I love this house. I want a place just like it. After that we went back to the cottage and made the pies. Sandy put them in to cook and Lucas and I went swimming and boating some more. Around 3:30 I came up to read, but like about 4 I decided a nap was neccisary. I slept til 5:15 then got up for dinner. Sandy and her dad took the car over to the yacht club but Lucas and I went over in the boat. The Pitch in is buffet style with everyone bringing one kind of thing. So dinner is served buffet style. We had dinner and hung out at the club for like 2 & 1/2hours then we drove around in the boat for a bit. We crashed early. Like 9:30 or so I think. It was a long two days and sleep is a welcome thing when you are playing hard. 8-D

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