Addicted to Open Diary? Why I Never!

I saw this for LiveJournal and I changed it a little to read OD. It just seemed to fit so well. LOL. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

You Know You’re Addicted to Open Diary When…

If you can’t access the site, you have a minor freak out – and a major case of hitting reload.

You found yourself composing diary entries during dates, movies, even sex!

When you’re out, you suddenly think of a witty reply to a comment somebody made to you… several days ago.

You actually call it OD and not Open Diary. Check.

You’ve downloaded some sort of OD program which has only the purpose of making entries easier to write without going on the site manually.

You consider it a great offense if someone deletes you off their favorite’s list.

The first thing you do every day when you go online is check your friends diary’s- even before checking your email.

When your friends ask what’s new, you get mad at them because you already wrote it in your OD, and they didn’t check it yet.

You have put more time into OD than all your assignments for the semester.

You have more friends on OD than in real life.

You’ve met at laest 50% of your OD friends.

You can’t seem to call your friends by their real names – only OD names will do.

You’ve fallen in love with someone you met on OD.

You have posted about a party or get together on your OD… and random strangers showed up.

You are guilty of traveling more than an hour to meet someone with OD. (Extra points for traveling five hours or more)

You’ve written a protected entry about one of your OD friends. (Extra points if they eventually found out about it)

You have written posts to notify people you’re going to sleep.

You talk about your OD friends to your real life friends all the time… like they’re a part of your group.

You’ve pimped one of your friends on OD, trying to get people to favorite him / her.

Instead of doing research, you post difficult questions on your Open Diary.

Your pets all have their own OpenDiary’s.

You’ve stopped being friends with someone in real life because of something they’ve said on OD.

You’re guilty of posting sexy or nude pictures to get more people to favorite you.

You have consoled yourself after a horrible day thinking “At least this will make a great OD post”

You’re jealous of people who have more favorite’s and / or comments than you.

You have written a really great, solid post – only to be disappointed by the lack of good notes.

You’re guilty of noting excessively to get more traffic to your diary.

You’ve deleted a post a few minutes (or hours) after you’ve written it, because it seemed lame in retro spect.

You give shout outs to all your OD friends on their birthdays.

You have an additional, secret diary that hardly anyone knows about.

You’ve broken up with someone – or ended a friendship – soley via Open Diary.

You have gotten mean anonymous notes.

You’ve been reported (or reported someone) to OD Abuse.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are OD addicts.

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May 17, 2005

well i can’t say that even most those fit me, but I will say that I KNOW i’m addicted to OD and i”m working to cope;o)

May 17, 2005

Well…I’ve never posted an entry during sex. But, that could just be because I DON’T HAVE SEX. How depressing. I probably would check my favorites during the actual act, though.

May 18, 2005

I think I’m addicted!!

May 18, 2005

the whole getting mad beause they didn’t check your od thingy, yeah, you’re right, that’s totally you!