A Working Puter and Life in the Balance.

Well the store called yesterday and said my puter is finally working. *does a lil dance* It’s about fuckin time. Lucas will be picking it up today. So after work I can start putting all manner of stuffs back on it. YAY!
I had a rough week last week and missed a couple of days work so now I don’t know if they will let me transfer. *Crosses fingers* I need to get out of here and I’m freaking out. I just want this all to work out. Aija, Jesse, and I have decided to put our wedding off for awhile. We are worried that someone would try to take away the kids. Instead of a wedding, until the kids are older, we will have a handfasting. This makes me happy as I was very worried about the kids. Seems that I will be coming just in time for Aija’s D&D campaign that she’s been working like 3 years on, if all goes well at work. I’m looking forward to that as well. It’s hard to think about leaving Lucas after 6 years. Needs to be done though and so I will.

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Don’t hurt yourself there

July 19, 2005

I hope that everything works out for the best! And, while it may be hard to leave Lucas (cause, let’s face it, he’s HOT!) as long as you know that’s what you need to do, don’t worry about it. Life of happiness Yoda sees for you.