A Game of Me

For those of you just joining me, I will fill you in on the year 2005 so far. Toward the end of Decemeber 2004 I was diagnosed with a tumor. It was 44 lbs. Though at the time I was just told it was somewhere around 50 lbs and that it would have to be removed. Me being me, my first reaction was well yeah. Not like I want to keep it inside me. So how does a tumor get to be that big with no one noticing? Well I suppose that would be my fault. I never went to Doctors. Only when I had Broncitus every year, and once they perscribed my medicine well no reason to ever see them again. Hence why I’ve so many unpaid medical bills, but I digress. I went for the same reason I always go. I thought I had bronchitus. It was the right timeof year. I had most of the symptoms. So I went on my merry way I got a script though he said he thought it was not bronchitus but a viral infection. So what do I care. As long as I get better right? Well he said he was concerned about my stomache (I have always been big) because while it was big it was not squishy like most people who have large stomaches. I had noticed that my stomach was hard awhile ago but I never paid much attention. I just thought I was fat. Long story short I had a 44 lb. ovarian cyst (the dread tumor) a smaller cyst, both ovaries, my appendix and the layer of fatty tissue that cover your organs (though I can’t remember it’s name off hand) removed.
My surgery was on a Wed I left Yale Hospital that Sat. A little worse for the wear but relived that it was all over.
I had quit smoking. I was about 47 or 48 lbs lighter counting everything they had taken out. So the only downside was the fact that I didn’t know whether the tumor was cancerous or not. Turns out it was only precancerous and they got it out in time so no chemo for me. Wee. Then the problems started. The staples started opening in a few spots with some pus nastyness. So then there was 2 months of 2 nurses a day and wounds being packed and irrigated. (I’ll spare you the details) Seemed like I’d never get better. Slowly but surely 3 holes in my abdomen closed. Now there is only one left. Soon as it closes up it will all be over.
So where does that leave me now? Well the other night I had sex for hours with 2 people. My first sex in 2 years! I can breathe again. I can walk without my hips hurting. I can stand for more than 2 minutes. I am 85 lbs lighter, and life is good.

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