poison hearts will never change

I find myself growing more narcissistic daily.  Impatient because I know they are wasting my time, time that I don’t have to spend on their inane stupidity.  How dare they?  How dare they get in my way when I am so obviously superior to them?  It’s absolutely…impertinent.

My overblown ego borders on megalomania, but that’s not so strange.  At least, as I have said before, I come by my self-absorption honestly.  How many others base all of their actions on their own self-interests secretly, or even unconsciously?  Every human is selfish, that’s human nature.  But I cannot stand when they just will not admit it.

In a world full of sad losers with low self-esteem, it’s truly entertaining to have an ego the size of mine.  Especially since I have done nothing to justify said ego.  I don’t even particularly like myself, but as I dislike everyone else more, the ego does in fact exist. 

Really, the only thing most people are good for is doing stuff for me.  I don’t care about them or their feelings as long as they serve their purpose.  It seems a bit sociopathic in writing, but in practice there have been very few problems.  I get what I want, they get what they want.  Mutualism is easier to understand than friendship, I think.

"Take the world upon your shoulders, and burn."

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