
 Instead of getting my DVM and becoming a vet, I am toying with the idea of getting my MS in forensic biology.  I’ve always had a thing for forensics.  It would take two fewer years to finish, having me in the real world by 2016 instead of 2018.  I would have to move out of this area and into one with actual crime and forensics units, though.  I like living in the forest, but I hate living with my sister’s idiot fiancé.

I’ve been missing Detroit a fair amount.  It still doesn’t seem real, living here again, and I wonder if it ever will.  I think that you can never come “home” again, once you leave.  It will never be the same because I’m not the same.  Mostly, that’s a good thing.

But I am anticipating getting out of here.  My sister seems happy enough with the idea of staying in her current job forever, but I told her I wasn’t down with that.  Likely, she’ll ignore my opinion and do whatever suits her.  Perhaps it’s time I did what suits me.  I was fairly clear about this only being a temporary stop, and if she wants to make it permanent, I guess that’s her prerogative.  Personally, I’ve been thinking of moving south.  Maybe to Pittsburgh, which I liked, or perhaps even further. 

Unfortunately, if I do what I want, I’m being “selfish” for “breaking up the family.”  My sister certainly wasn’t being selfish when she moved 350 miles away and expected me to follow like a good little puppy.  No, that was fine.  But if I move to a different state and DON’T expect her to come with me, that’s selfish. 

Of course, I’ve always been selfish.  It’s a  personality attribute that other people deny vehemently, so I’ve always embraced the fact that I am selfish, you know, been honest about it.  Honesty, you see, is supposedly a good thing, only not too much of it.  I am not especially honest, but that’s okay.  Honesty has an acceptable range, and being either more or less honest than that is frowned upon.  I am most definitely in the acceptable honesty range, though I lie about everything. 

You might call it, “telling people what they want to hear,” and you might be right.  But the violence and ill temper I have seen displayed when you do NOT tell people what they want to hear has convinced me that honesty is not the best policy.  Supposedly, it takes a strong person to tell the truth in the face of adversity.  I am not that person.  I am, after all, selfish.  Weak and selfish, but acceptably honest. 

I am well aware of my personality defects, including the fact that I may lack personality entirely.  Most days I feel like a blank slate.  Or, more aptly, like a mirror that reflects to other people whatever it is they want to see.  I am an empty room, lined with mirrors, and so when someone steps inside they see only themselves, stretching into infinity. 

I think they like that.

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March 14, 2012

I don’t think you’re selfish enough to wear the label “selfish”. Forensics.. I like that myself. I’d have to move country though to have a chance of job in that :/ I don’t think anyone should expect you to live with your sister for your whole life, the same way people don’t expect to kids to live with the parents, they’re whole lives. You’re entitle to move. And just becauseyou won’t be in the next room, doesn’t mean you’re “splitting up the family”

March 14, 2012

you could always say your moving and ask her to come with. If she’s happy here, she [hopefully] won’t come with you!