dangerous steps on icy undertones.
Striving for perfection and poetic justice all in one. It doesn’t work like that, does it? But I know.
It’s kind of strange, for once, knowing exactly what I want, but am in no way equipped to gain.
My own social ineptitude really astonishes me. If someone says "hello" passing me in the street, what should I do? Is it wrong that I consider punching them in the face to be a viable option? Is it strange that I avoid eye contact so that I don’t have to try and figure out what to do if someone DOES say hello? I am not afraid of these people, for they pose no threat to me. I just don’t want to be bothered to think of the socially acceptable response. I don’t care, and I don’t want to connect with them in any way. Social phobia? I don’t think so. Just a disdain for all things human.
And always, the eternal fight between knowing I’m better than them and knowing I’m not.