What’s for dinner?
Because I have NO idea. We had spahgetti last night, so should probably finish that off, maybe as a spagetti bake… maybe I’ll pop a lasanga into the microwave to go with it… hm… yes, I’m hungry all right.
Speaking of feedings, I am really having a hard time getting the baby to take naps. I lay down with her to feed her, and she will just doze, and then it’s like she’s had enough sleep. I woke her up at 1 last night to eat, and she didn’t go back down until 3:30. Sigh. I’m quite tired as a result. She’s sitting on the couch now, quiet as can be. I told Bec if she makes a fuss, get her.
Guess I’ll go ask Jerry about dinner. I’m seriously tired and in NO mood to cook.