Nice visit

Note:  This was written last night.  I got a call from Linda at midnight, and after that, watched Barney with Sammi, then went to bed.  I was just too tired to post.  So it cuts off, and that’s why.


Had a great visit with Kim, it was SO nice to see her.  She treated us to McDonalds, and we just sat there for an hour chatting, then went back to her apartment and chatted some more.  Next time I see her, I’m going to take her some scrapping supplies that I won’t be able to use.  I have SO much patterned paper and various things to embellish, I’m sure she can use some of it.  She hasn’t scrapped in almost 2 years, but when she feels like doing it, she can’t because she has no supplies.  And I have so much, I can give her quite a bit and not touch my stash.  Of course, I always used to buy stuff with her in mind, lol… oh, I’ll buy this, and whatever I don’t use, Kim can have.  LOL… seriously!  She’d give me paper piecings in return, they’re one thing she can do that I just can’t.  Any more though, she and I have similar styles and no longer do I think Oh, she’s SO much better than I… in fact, I see her mimicking MY style, which made me feel pretty good, lol… But I still get ideas from her, and we DO have similar styles, so I love looking at her pages.  She did one page, and I think I could copy it, though hers is a boy’s page, but I have ALL the same supplies for a girl, lol… I always give her my boy supplies, because she’s got SO many nephews, and I only have one nephew, and no one sends me pictures of him.  Well, not often enough.  I want my kids to meet their cousins.  I don’t know when or how that’s going to happen, but I would love it if they could meet some day.  I may have to figure out a way.

So, we’re going to do it again week after next.  I think I’ll offer to buy food, and cook it, or maybe I’ll just buy something I can put in the microwave.  I can’t have her buying us food every time we go to visit, but I can’t be buying McDonald’s either.  So I thought the thing to do is to offer to buy dinner that could be made at her house.  I think that would be nice.  It’s just too early for us to eat here and then go, and she needs dinner too.  If I had money, I would be fine with treating her, then she could do it next time, maybe.  I don’t know.  Anyway, I’ll just offer to bring something microwaveable or easily fixed, to minimize dishes.  She’s an awesome cook… me, not so much, lol.  I only WISH I could cook as well as she does.  However, her job is cooking, so I don’t want to be asking her to cook for us when we go over, either.  But my cooking is… yea.  BORING.

Sammi is still up, watching Sprout, but that’s fine, because she’ll sleep in tomorrow, and that’s when it counts, lol.  Besides, she’s being so good.  The rest of the brood didn’t get to sleep until 10… YIKES.  They’re going to be so tired in school tomorrow.  Oh well…it’s FRIDAY.

I didn’t end up doing any laundry.  I folded a few things… and should probably go up and fold some more.  I will DEFINITELY have to do some laundry tomorrow.  But the girls squirrel their clothes in their rooms, so not sure what I’ll have to wash.  I went into Becca’s room today, and I was SO mad.  She had drying up baby wipes, and my scarf, which I have let her borrow, but asked her to ASK when she wants it.  But I doubt I will let her borrow it anymore, because it’s a 30 dollar scarf that she acts like is HERS, just because I let her borrow it once (and she thinks because I don’t use it that often that she should just be allowed to use it anytime she wants.  Makes me SOOO mad.)  



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maybe your friend could teach you how to cook some of her recipes or something and it could be turned into a fun together type thing. RYN: You know depression is a symptom right?? You don’t have to have a doctor do the test. I saw all sorts of ads when I was looking for thyroid info last night for free testing things where you do it yourself and then you send it in and they give you theresults afterwards. just do a search for free thyroid testing or something like that

February 27, 2009

I think I meant “grown-ups” only. *laughs*

February 27, 2009

I think I meant “grown-ups” only. *laughs*