Little bit of this and a little bit of that

Been cleaning a bit here and there.  Got the computer off the floor and onto the desk.  That coupled with the printer being moved under the desk cleared a HUGE chunk of space off the floor.  Shabree shoved all the J*U*N*K from under my table so now I need to get down on the floor (after moving the chair out of the way) and DEAL with it all.  I have taken some of my ribbon and put it in the scrap rack, instead of on the floor, and in a mess in the bag… which is just a start, since i’ve only done about 4 or 5 pieces of ribbon, and I probably have like 50-100 to go… I have NO idea how much ribbon I have.  Lots.

The girls are making, and recycling presents to have something under the tree, I guess.  Sydni made a gift, Shabree recycled a Clifford to give to Alex… since Alex won’t know the difference, I guess that is ok.  I’m sure it’s partially so they’ll have something under the tree.  Sydni needs to get to her homework though.

Alex had her 6 month "checkup" today.  She’s still 25th percentile for weight, but get this… 75th percentile for height!  She’s TALL!!!!!  I like this doctor a LOT.  Well, I believe she’s a nurse practitioner, which really, they go through so much schooling, they may as well be a doctor.  Anyway, she was feeling good about her weight and height, was not concerned about her development at this stage since the baby was smiling and engaging her at the beginning… Alex’s interest waxed and waned, she’d get interested in the outside and would barely pay attention to either of us.  I mentioned that while she CAN roll over, she just doesn’t really DO it, and she said, she’s just a calm baby.  She needs incentive to want to get mobile.  I’ve noticed that Alex is just a kid who would rather be held and cuddled.  She will be content to let others "do for her" I am sure… and lucky baby, she has FOUR older sisters who will very likely be more than happy to do just that.  I also mentioned to her the bond that Alex and Sammi already share.  It’s going to be a strong one, you can tell when you see them together.  Sammi likes to hold and cuddle Alex, and for her part, Alex’s face lights UP when she sees Sammi.  There have been times when the only other person who could get her to quit crying, other than me, was Sammi.

I will have to wrap the two or three presents I have to get them under the tree, and I will have to buy some food presents (for Becca esp, who is REALLY looking forward to having some food presents.)  Oh… wait, the dog.  I will have to buy them, and hold them until the night before or something.  I don’t know! 

Having frozen chinese food for dinner tonight…well, PREVIOUSLY frozen…now heated up and almost ready to go.  So guess I will wrap up and post

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December 9, 2008

RYN: LOL… I know! Good to hear about Alex’s growth. So she’s tall and skinny! LOL… not a bad thing to be…

December 9, 2008

I imagine Alex and Sammi will be inseparable. 🙂

December 9, 2008


December 10, 2008

RYN: Yeah, that’s how I get a lot of my pictures- ours is shock/water proof, too! Which is a GREAT thing since Jacob keeps testing how water proof things are by sticking them in the toilet- I’m just waiting for the camera’s turn. The only downside to our camera being- what I like to call- toddler proof, is that I won’t be able to say,”Gee, honey- Jacob ruined the camera- I guess we’ll have to get me that Nikon D60, huh?”

I always felt that nurses seem to know the same or sometimes more than doctors, because they know a lot of knowledge about everything. Yay Chinese food! My fave.

December 10, 2008

they’re both stunning and leather-bound so you might be able to do something with the one I don’t use? I have all sizes of the Pocket Full of Posies paper, the 12 x 12 of the Once Upon A Time (this paper is breathtakingly beautiful)and the actual scrapbook for it. If I decide I can’t use it, I’d rather give it away, but if you weren’t going to use it, I’d only ask that you give it back to me and not sell it. I’ll probably know for sure about those by next month after I have a chance to rearrange and clean up my own scrapbooking tornado. *Laughs*. I just know I have a LOT of doubles and I’d love to share those. Again, the only thing I’d ask is that if you know you wouldn’t use them, please don’t sell them, just give them back. We can talk about the beading/jewelry-making stuff, too. I have some really beautiful stuff that I know I probably won’t use but I want them to go to a good home where I know they’ll be used and made into lovely necklaces, bracelets, etc. I did want to tell you a little about the girls’ stockings. I tried to be really age-appropriate and give them lovely little things. The babies, of course, won’t have as much as the older girls, but that’s ok, they’ll

December 11, 2008

RYN: I just got on them, actually. I’m going to try to stay on them through my transition to nights and moving out. Most agencies don’t want you to have been on them for over 6 months, so hopefully I won’t be on them that long!