Interesting Day
Shabree has an imaginary friend. It’s way too cute. The friend’s name is "Bobie" and he, who is actually a she, lives at home home (Mexico) but also spent some time in Weesiana (Louisana-home of Bec and Sydni’s mom and stepdad), and she discovered Bobie under her bed after she woke up yesterday. Bobie has a cat and a dog, who’s names she doesn’t know, and bird named LaLa (our dog is Paula, but Shabree calls her LaLa) She had us in stitches-me especially, explaining all this. Oh, she’s at that age… so adorable, so imaginative. She’s making up songs these days… which usually go something like "All about daddy, all about daddy" or "All about dog dog, all about dog dog" All her dogs seem to have double names… KoKo (who is actually named after my mom’s toy poodle, but this is a Build a Bear pink poodle we’re talking about), Dog Dog, another build a bear, LaLa, our Austrailian Shepard. And then there’s Baby dog dog, and Baby KoKo that we got at Build a Bear as well. She just makes me laugh and laugh. She’ll ask me, Mommy, do you want me to make you happy? And I’ll tell her, Yes, I love it when you make me happy. or I’ll tell her she already makes me happy. She will also ask me "Mommy, can you make me happy?" and I’ll ask her how I can make her happy. Oh, I don’t want her to grow up. She is just SOOOO cute! I don’t want her to lose her great attitude, and her wonderful sweetness to puberty someday.. I mean, I realize it’s a few years away, but with Becca going into it, and Bec’s a good kid, but she’s just getting to where I have to ask three times, put her in the corner, before she’ll do as she’s been asked. She really is driving me nuts. We’re NOT home schooling. Becca just won’t do the work, complains about it constantly, wants it to be SOOO easy… she is just delusional, I swear. So Jerry and I decided she needs school. She needs a 3rd party telling her, showing her. She swears I am not there for her, but then, what she’s not seeing is that all THREE of them want me at the same time! I can’t work with her when Sydni and Shabree are also asking me to help them. And Sydni isn’t even asking for help, so much as she needs TONS of attention, and is constantly wanting to ask me a question or point something out to me. I am really at my wit’s end with Sydni.
Today, Sydni got mad at Becca, because Becca "wasn’t listening to her" and she took Paula’s leash, swung it at Becca, and hit her in the butt with the metal part of the leash. Now, Paula is a good sized dog, and so the leash is a good sized leash, and Becca let out a blood curling scream that I heard upstairs. Sydni left a welt on Bec that will probably go black and blue. Now, we don’t hit in this family… we don’t spank, we do not discipline in that way. We’re all about time-outs, taking away privledges, grounding… whatever works, so Syd doing this is REALLY unacceptable. We tell them, we do NOT hit in this family. And for her to do it because Becca wasn’t LISTENING to her? It just makes it worse.
I wasn’t even sure how to punish/discipline this particular act. I don’t think Sydni had a CLUE as to the damage it was going to cause… I mean, you can get a lot of force swinging something at someone, and hitting them with metal? But she didn’t know… however, she was angry at the time, and it’s still unacceptable behavior. I called Jerry, and told Sydni to tell her daddy what she’d done, and it took awhile, but she got it out. Syd is usually a pretty talkative kid, but sometimes she just can’t get the words from her brain out her mouth, unless she’s just rambling. So he asked her what her punishment should be, and she came up with a couple of lame answers, no pool for two days, no tv… Jerry and I both saying, No Syd, this is SERIOUS. Finally, Jerry and I agreed that she could either have hot sauce (which HURTS but causes no damage whatsoever… we usually don’t do it unless they’ve lied and not confessed, or in Bec’s case, simply lied in the first place, since she SHOULD know better) now with him on the phone, or she could wait til he got home, and have to eat a hot pepper and stand in the corner for 10 minutes. She chose the former, but then wouldn’t do it when push came to shove. So Jerry told her she had to the count of 5, otherwise she’d have to do the hot pepper and corner time. She didn’t do it, and he hung up. I told her to wash off the hot sauce, and go to her room, but she quickly licked the spoon, then proceeded to gag herself so hard, that she threw up. Then, she wanted to call Jerry and tell him that she’d taken the hot sauce, and he told her this was not what they’d agreed upon… which she interpreted to mean that she still had to take the hot pepper… when I talked to him about it later, I don’t think he’s going to. So I sent her to her room, and she can’t STAND to be in her room, so she cried and called my name, and told me she had something to tell me, and I just ignored her, and told her to stay in her room. She has a REALLY hard time with being separated, she’s just so needy for companionship and attention, she does NOT play well alone, let’s put it that way.
What I suspect will happen is that she’ll get a lecture tomorrow from her daddy, he’s not going to give her a hot pepper after the amount of suffering she had from the hot sauce (I have to lol in a way, the kid is SUCH a drama queen, and she does half of this to herself… if she’d just calmly gotten herself some milk, she’d have been fine, but instead she choked and gagged herself, and threw up as a result… I’ve seen her cry so hard she’s thrown up. Of the three of them, she is definitely the most sensitive and the most… I don’t know… crazy making? Well, Becca’s getting there with HER attitude, but that’s another story all together) Anyway, she’s had enough punishment. None of it is like cruel and unusual punishment, either… but dang, you wouldn’t know it from Syd’s attitude… oh well. It’s not likely something she’ll repeat, so mission accomplished. Now, it was funny, because Becca said, isn’t hot sauce for lying? I told her, it’s for serious offenses. I think Becca is really protective of her sisters, but when I asked her what she’d have made the punishment, she said it would have been to clean the kitchen (Bec decided to organize a bunch of stuff, so she made a big old mess, and then had to clean it up. I helped a bit, but I’m trying not to bend down too much these days… it can really hurt if I’m not careful) I told her no way, because this was a very serious thing, and the kitchen WOULDN’T get cleaned with Syd doing it (I MUST be getting really tired, I keep mis-typing things, and having to go back and correct them… if you see any mis-spells, trust me, it’s really a mis-type, because I’m tired)
Shabree is about the only one who’s NOT driving me nuts, but even she won’t clean when asked, and I want to throttle them all for it. But of course, we don’t hit in this family… what’s a mom to do? I HAVE noticed though, that if I don’t take my medication (the zoloft) that I am much more irritable with the kids… I rollar coaster emotionally. They’re leaving me at 50mg, which I think is because they really don’t want the baby to have withdrawl symptoms, and this is a low dose, that seems to be helping with the depression and intrusive thoughts I was having… they were almost visions in a way. Still, I hate being on medication, mostly because I do forget to take it, and then I am subject to mood swings, but I do see a difference, so I guess I’ll keep at it… whatever…
I’m really tired. I think I’ll wrap this up and just go lay down. I had a diet coke with a late second dinner, so probably won’t actually be able to GO to sleep, but I just don’t feel like being at the computer any more, so good night.
hmmmm? I am at my wits end with my nephews and punishments for their horrid behavior. I had thought about having them eat part of an onion as punishment for their lying and/or back talking. Maybe I will revisit that thought.
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