Baby books

I was going through Sammi’s baby book with her, and I realized that I have much to finish in it.  There are a few pages of course, but I have so much journaling to do, and so many pre-made pages that need finishing.  I am going to end up packing a whole lot of page kits in my bag, that I really should clean off the desk and get to work on these baby pages.  LOL… I would feel awful if one book or the other had significantly more or less pages than the other… like the baby that always gets shorted on pictures because mom and dad took SO many of the first baby.  Well, THAT’S not gonna happen, lol… I am a picture taking FIEND.  And of course, I am in the habit of letting the girls take the camera and take as many pictures (or video) as they want as well, which sometimes works out, and sometimes doesn’t work out so well.  But still.  Pictures abound in this house.  Not a week goes by without at least a few pictures of the baby, usually with one of her sisters, though I certainly don’t mind pictures of just her.  Sammi may get shorted a BIT, but I’ll make up for it somehow.  Maybe just more "random" layouts of her, being cute, lol.  Hm… I just realized I’ve NEVER done a birthday layout for her first birthday… don’t think for her second birthday either.  Okay, I AM behind.  Well, I’m doing a whole lot of printing pictures now, and I’m getting baggies together so I can do some page kits that will eventually become layouts.  

Other than working on that project, for which I had to make a special trip to Target for ink yesterday, I haven’t been doing much.  I’ve got 6 weeks for Alex printed out, plus Father’s Day, plus a BBQ at Pat’s house…which, THIS is hilarious… I only just finished the year before’s layout a month ago or so.  I went to look at it, and I thought, gosh, that picture looks familiar.  Well, it’s Pat and Jerry arms around the shoulders, and Jerry’s wearing his Cabo t shirt, and Pat’s wearing this blue t shirt.  So I run to the pictures I just printed from THIS year’s BBQ, and doggoned if they’re not wearing the SAME EXACT t-shirts they wore the year before!!!  It’s the same picture, only they’re on opposite sides.  The main difference is they’re wearing different hats.  But other than that, the two pictures may have well been taken on the same day, not a year apart.  I’m going to have to send these pics to Pat, or show him them, because it’s just SO funny.  Men.

We’re going to go to Hometown for a late lunch around 3.  I went to bed at 1 last night, and took a couple tylenol p.m.s  Got a friend who calls them her blue pills.  So I took two of those, and was soon asleep…needed em too, back is aching like hell these days.  So I woke up at 7, baby crying.  Fine, get her, nurse her, put her back down, go back to sleep.  Get up at 9:40 with the baby crying.  Nurse her again…realize, she’s NOT going to go back down, but I’m still tired…?  Oh well…whatever.  So I took her downstairs and asked Jerry to feed her some real food, which he did, plus changed her poopy diaper.  He brought her back up at 11, by which time I was ready to be up.  I can only figure it was those blue pills which had me so groggy.  I’m not REAL fond of medicines.  I’d have been up at 7 without it (but I probably wouldn’t have been asleep until 3 without it, so it might be effectively the same…)  I put her back down for a nap at 11:20, so she should just about be ready to be up, and I should go check on her.  I really ought to clean up a BIT, try to get the house a little less cluttered for this speech therapist.  I do have SOME pride… ha.  Well, I do.  It’s not completely gone.

Trying to come up with page kits can be hard… I know I talk about these things a lot… what happens is that I get to McDonalds with my page kit, and I’m always short of SOMETHING, it seems like.  Though, that is why I carry boxes and boxes of brads with me, because they will usually give my layout that certain something.  I should figure out a way to carry ribbons with me as well, because with those two things, I can usually get a layout looking very nice.  Well, ribbon off the spool is pretty easy to carry… just have to figure out a good way to do it.  I already carry a ton of brads, too many IMO, but I am always glad I did.  I need to re-do my tool box, and locate some of the tools that Sammi has taken off with.  Eh… so much to do, but so many things I’d rather be doing… sigh.  I know I say constantly that I need to clean up, and it’s true enough.  Be good if I would just buckle down and do it.  But I had really better get to checking on Alex.  Sammi’s out in the living room with her daddy, playing I think.  Either that or she went upstairs to play.  Either way is fine… so long as she’s in the house, she’s fine.  Jerry will know where she’s at (which is why I have no worries.  He’s keeps tabs, he’s a GOOD dad)  Though that reminds me… I was telling him the other night about getting a job, and he starts talking about how we can get free baby sitting.  I’m thinking to myself, I don’t want strangers watching my kids!  Not unless it’s like an after school program, or a school like Shabree went to when she was 2… she LOVED that.  But then, she’s social like I am.  I bet Sammi would do all right, but I’d worry about Alex, though she seems to be getting less attached to me (and I must admit, I’m somewhat thankful for this.)  So it MIGHT be all right.  I don’t know.  I just HATE the thought of someone other than me or Jerry taking care of them, though I suspect Jerry would love it if he could just work uninterrupted… I think I’ll look for a phone job.  I can’t stomach the thought of retail or fast food.  I know I shouldn’t be picky, but I want something where I can do other things while I talk to people… like work on my layouts, lol.  Okay, I might have to take notes or something, but I want a job where I don’t have to deal face to face with people or be on my feet all day long.  I LIKE phone work.

Okay… I’m really getting off the computer now.  Well, at least off OD.  I will go check on the baby, then if she’s still asleep, I will work some more on this layout project, and clean up project.

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March 6, 2009

I went through a LOT of shit the last two months, and I ovulated for sure last month and the month previous, so I am hoping that this month stays with it. I mean, I got pregnant on the Dec/Jan cycle and I ovulated (w/test proof) on the Jan/Feb cycle… so here’s hoping that the Feb/Mar cycle is Golden… if not… there’s always Mar/April. I’m not too picky anymore, lol… But the line is definitely darker (hey, I hang on to them) and yeah… they look promising.

March 6, 2009

Oh, and giving up the soda, isn’t not been too bad. I mean, I still WANT one, but yeah… no headaches (granted I have been drinking iced tea and water like I am trying to dilute my blood stream, but everyone says tea is better than coke hands down… so… yeah). Oops… gotta run. Don’t want to hit too much traffic.