Alex and the crazy sleep schedule *Edit*

I went to bed at about 2:15 last night.  Right after I finished my entry up, I went, and I felt GOOD about it… 2:15!  Yea, that’s kinda early for me.  And the baby had gotten up from her one nap of the day at about 6:30 or 7, so I figured she HAD to be tired.  But… I would be wrong.  I simply cannot figure this child out!  How does a 6 month old baby stay awake for 9 hours?  Because when we went and laid down, she cried.  I tried to feed her, I tried a pacifier, for heaven’s sake I even nursed her!  All she did was nurse a bit, then pull off like she was hungry (which she was refusing the bottle with formula, an indicator she was NOT hungry!)  But it was 4 a.m. before she fell asleep.  At about 3:30, I went into the closet and cut her nails… OUCH.  I KNOW I just cut them a few days ago.  She was REALLY hurting me with them though, toes tool.  But 4 a.m.?   Oh what the heck…  So yea, 9 hours she was up.  Her sleep cycle may be reversed, but even for a baby with a normal sleep schedule that’s a LONG time to go without sleep.  Now, as I mentioned, she got up at 6:30 or 7.  Well, that nap started around 1:30. 


Gotta go…breakfast is ready.  I’ll edit later.

I’m actually not sure what to say… when she wasn’t crying, she was actually "cooing" very happily, like she was just WIDE awake… "Mom, I’m not sleepy!"  She rarely ever gets two naps in.  Now, we’re not on a schedule, so that could be part of it.  And admittedly, sometimes I have a hard time reading her cues, ANY of her cues.  I try my best though.  She’s generally a happy baby.  If she hadn’t been in bed, she probably wouldn’t have cried, she doesn’t like the bed for whatever reason.  I put her up on my knees, and she got VERY quiet, and seemed like she was tired finally…took her down and laid her next to me, and she cried.  That was about 4 a.m. though, so I offered a breast, and that’s when she finally settled down for the "night"  I have to use that term loosely, I think.  It’s 12:45 now, and she’s still asleep, and I’ll have to go wake her up pretty soon, but she’ll be happy when I do.  She wakes up happy.  She can get a 10 minute nap and be up for 3 or 4 more hours, easy.  I don’t think any of this is affecting her growth, she’s in the 75th percentile for height now.  Growing like a weed is the appropriate term I do believe.  I’d better get my milk back up though, because she is definitely not happy unless it’s flowing.  I keep thinking, suspecting really, that she’s just got a hell of a metabolism, and she needs a lot to keep her going.  It’s all I can think of to explain some things.  Anyway, I’d like to get back to nursing exclusively, except for solids of course.  I don’t mind the formula feeding so much anymore, but I get lazy about doing what I should to keep my milk up, and she really notices.  Boy, I can see a future where she doesn’t wean until she’s 3.  Well… if she had her way of course.  I suspect that Jerry would be urging me to stop way before then.  I don’t know what I will end up doing.  I listen to him and do what he wants for the most part.  But when something really means a lot to me, he’s not going to stop me from doing that.  And he knows it.  I’m an intelligent woman, I have a mind of my own.  I just LIKE the order of him being the leader of the family.  But he likes the "strong, upfront, take-charge Sarah" part of me that ocassionally comes to the surface.  However, HE is the natural leader.  I’ve always been a follower, and I always liked being a follower.  Being a mom… you HAVE to be a leader, so I know I can be one.  I just prefer to let others lead.

Well, I’ve really got to get going now.  They’re home from school, Jerry talked to Jane who said Syd could come, she would just deal with it somehow.  Jane did make good on her promise last month to give us gas money for Thanksgiving, when she got it.

Syd just traded me a BUNCH of chocolate for one sucker in the shape of a cross.  Good trade, lol… for me anyway!  I LOVE chocolate.  She says her sucker is REALLY good.  "It won’t fit in my mouth all the way, but who cares?  It’s good!"  LOL, silly girl!  She cracks me up. 

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ryn: Well I should have sent April to eat supper with Ya’ll!! she loves her some “sketti”