I’m having a baby shower! Please visit:
Sammi’s been throwing things on the floor. Mostly food, but bottles and plates too. I decided yesterday she was going in her crib when that happened from now on… so there she sits now. I tried to give her a donut, and man, *I* wanted that donut, but I thought she’d like it. She’s crabby, probably didn’t get much of a nap this afternoon, I know once the kids got home, they made so much noise slamming the door that I couldn’t sleep through it. She threw the donut. As soon as she did, I hauled her off to bed, and she knew what was happening too, because I put her in there twice yesterday for throwing things. I’m just trying to put an end to that behavior quickly, and her crib is the safest "time out" spot in the house. Not that I want to get her resenting/hating her crib… though truthfully, she’s probably in there too much in the mornings as it is, because I’ve been sleeping until 10 easy. THIS morning though, she got up at 6, and so did I, and I couldn’t go back until about 9 a.m. I even let Jerry sleep in while I got the kids off to school. So I slept from 9 until 11, and there the poor kid was left too. I don’t quite understand why Jerry leaves her there as well, guess he doesn’t want to deal with her crying in his ear while he’s trying to work…which I understand, but still… let me sleep…. PLEASE. Unfortunately, when I got her up from her nap, I stuck all her bedding in the wash… I’ve been meaning to do this for a couple of days, her room reeks. So now she’s stuck with ONE blanket. Oh well, I’ll go get her in a minute, if she hasn’t fallen asleep anyway. I swear she didn’t actually GET a nap today. I could hear her in there banging her crib against the wall while I was trying to get a nap, and when I checked on her when I got up, she was laying there with her eyes open. There was just a TON of door slamming and banging around before that… the older girls woke ME up from my nap!
I am having Syd check on her. She’s been in "time out" long enough, I think. I suspect she was falling asleep, based on Syd’s description, now she’s wailing. Oops, should have let her alone.
Well… gosh. Not much else to say. Last night yielded 4 pages, with 2 layouts done, I’m up to 39 pages. I cleared some more stuff out of my scrap room today to give away, could probably have been more… but it kind of had to be new, which is an issue.
I don’t have any money to mail off anything right now…feel really bad about that :(. Jerry thinks his deal is going to fund tomorrow, and for ONCE, it’s looking really good at this point, so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. We won’t see any money for a few days though, maybe not til next week. Sigh… I’m ready to go spend it NOW, lol ;). Well, if I allow the kids to get anything, they’re going to have to get rid of some things first, that’s for sure. That’s SORT of what I’m doing for myself as well… clear out some things to make room for new things. It’s amazing how well that works. And I’m actually USING things instead of just letting them sit. I’m also giving them away, but it’s important to me that I’m using it too… and that the resulting layouts will tell a story for my grandkids someday :). Anyway, I’ll get things in the mail as soon as I can. I need to get them out of here. In the meantime, I’m still looking for things to PIF, and to give away.
Well, I’d better get off the computer, and figure out dinner or SOMETHING. I think the kids are actually doing some sort of fend for themselves right now, so dinner is going to be a moot point, they won’t be hungry for it. I can deal with that, lol. I don’t have anything really to say anyway. Baby in the tummy seems fine… has the hiccups almost every single day though, which I find rather annoying AND reassuring… hey, at least the kid’s alive to kick me, right? I just hate the rhythmic feeling of it. Wish the poor thing had a gender… I really can’t tell for sure, maybe it’s a boy and a girl. I don’t really know! LOL. Jerry thinks it’s twins…because of how big I am already??? Well, c’mon, it’s my third pregnancy, I’m going to be pretty stretched out from the last two… that’s no way to tell. There DOES seem to be a lot of movement though… heck I don’t know. I wanted twins, so we’ll see. A boy and a girl could definitely be fun, lol. Though THREE kids under two years? Yikes! I know women have done it in the past, and I’m no wimp. Like I told someone else, I’ll just pray for energy ;).
And on that note, I’m wrapping up.
ryn: You are really amazing. You have the best advice, and you are so right on so many things! And Yay for babies kicking! 😉 I think you would be an awesome mom, even if it did involve 3 kids under 3.
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