Your monkeys sleep inside of me
I want to try and make this quick, because Natey is lonely. He came into my room to ‘keep me company’ (play goldeneye on the wii while I pack) but he took too long and I was up to packing snacks when he showed up. So pretty much we swapped rooms, and I promised him I would write quickly so I could go hang out with him asap.
First I must say a big THANK YOU to my lovely OD-KK who sent me beautiful awesome socks and delicious candy as my gift. So awesome. Great way to start the day, getting that package. So thank you, mysterious Aussie person who is also on OD.
Yesterday… I don’t know what happened. OH! We went shopping. We wanted to get a book for Jake (Mum feels she does not have enough gifts for him) but we failed, so we had lunch, bought some sherbet bombs (I needed candy in my bag) and some crayons (we took some colouring in piccies from Safeway – they were for a kid’s colouring competition but we just wanted to make pretties) and went home. Still a fun trip though.
Today has included…. packing. And procrastinating about packing. And shopping. And unpacking. And more repacking. And buying ink. And eating KFC and pizza (not together… although MAN that would be good.)
This morning… or lunch time… whatever. Natey, Jake and I went to the shopping centre so I could mail off some packages that will be rather late, especially the international one, but oh well. After that we looked around for board shorts for the boys and bathers for me. I could not find ANY bathers for me, they were all either very grandma-looking designs, or skimpy two piece things. All I wanted was something in the middle. One piece that didn’t look hideously floral. And so I tried to find lady board shorts, and couldn’t. So I ended up getting a pair of man-shorts, same size as Natey, so he can have two once we are done beaching it up. We are so much the same person we could share clothes, which I find almost creepy but rather cool at the same time.
Ooh, Matty is here. Loud man, he is. I love my brothers.
This afternoon we … packed some more. Well I did. Natey was done super quick, but I had to pack for 2, so it took twice as long. Natey just had to print out the zoo tickets, but we had no ink, so we had to trek to Officeworks to get more ink, which was lots of fun. Once we were home, Jake told me that he hadn’t had his watch all day, and was unaware of the last time he had his watch. So I had to unpack everything so I could try and find his watch. Lots of fun. He needs to learn to announce that he doesn’t have something as soon as he realises, then I can easily work out where it may have been. It was in the pants he wore out yesterday, and had changed out of when we got home. So there were many other pocketed options before I would have even thought of looking in those. All good now, he has his watch again.
At some point we bought $50 worth of snaaaacks for the road trip and for our hotel room. We are going to be staying in an awesome sounding hotel. I think it sounds like it is bigger than Nanna’s house. I may be wrong, but I may be right! Either way, it is going to be so much fun.
I super-highly doubt I will have access to the internet while we are gone, so there will be no entries from me until at LEAST the 29th. Assuming I don’t want to just sleep when we get home.
I hope you all have lovely holidays and don’t write too much! See you in a week!
I’m so glad you liked your KK present….pssst I sent it
My daughter Scarlett picked the bag it went in and the musk lollies <3
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I like how snacks has 4 a’s in it to make it sound like we say it
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See you bright and early in the morning!!
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Merry Christmas!!
Have a wonderful trip!
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Ooo, are you going to see the pandas? I wanna see pandas!! Hope you have a good Adelaidey christmas Sezness
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merry christmas!!
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Byyyyye! Drive safe! ~jo
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Have fun!!!
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Hey you … thanks so much for my KK present, I love it … xxx mwah mwah mwah xxx
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