You’d have to be a pituitary GIANT! *edit*

The bluies… they look like blue playdough. Thankfully they taste a lot better. The recipe was a bit assy, and I had to call Jake in to fix things (that’s his job, he fixes cooking issues… like melting butter and chocolate and then they seperate and look gross!) and when they came out they tasted way too buttery to me.

But they are goodness.

Apparently it glows as well. That’s what I get for taking pictures in the late afternoon. Impossible to not flash at, and everything turns black.

Today I discovered that one of my toes is curling inward. Which I am not at all happy about. At least it is not my big toe, then I would have feet that look like Jake’s. And that would be kinda weird.

*edit* I used this recipe, but put white choc chips in it instead of milk, obviously. And about 30 drops of blue food colouring, but I don’t think it needs that much. 15-20 might be good. It’s a judgement call. I’m not putting this as a recipe entry yet because I need to modify it to make it perfect for my mouth. 🙂

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August 7, 2008

OMG OMG! That is the most . . . words fail me. I want Blueies! Is the recipe top secret? If not, I’d love to have it!

August 7, 2008

Cool bluies!!!! I want to make some 😀

I’d probably go hyper with all the coloring. Don’t feed them to preschoolers! They’d be bouncing off the walls! lol.

do they make your tongue go blue? or don’t they have the strength?

wow what do those things taste like?!

August 7, 2008

I love blondies. So now, since I’m in a baking mood, I want to make these 😀 Only maybe not blue lol. Mmmm, white chocolate…

August 8, 2008

SCHEWEET! Thanks, Sez!

August 8, 2008

It totally does look like playdough, but at least it matches your diary! :o)~jo

August 8, 2008

Haha those are FANTASTIC! 😀

August 8, 2008

That doesn’t look like food!!!!!

August 20, 2008

Whoa. Glowy brownies. They look like..turquoise brownies more than blue. That’s mega awesome. Keep trying with ’em until they taste perfect! *hug* I’ll be waiting for the recipe entree! *hugs* BUTT!!