“You can use my lap as your ass”

Or perhaps this should be titled… UNI-CLAMS!!!! *rolls down a hill with laughing* hehee

Tuesday started with a surprise. Although Ellen has said she wanted to get to work earlier than normal and would therefore be picking me up before 8am, I was very surprised to see her drive in the driveway at 20 to! It was like whoa… I’m glad I got up when I did. My stupid alarm didn’t go off and I woke up at half past 7 and was all SHITE!!! and moved quickly around. Soon as I walked out of my bedroom I slipped and fell sideways onto the ground, banging my hip. (which now explains why my hip is hurting me today!)

Monkey work was envelope day. That was fun. Suzanne and I did about 1500 envelopes each. Doing 1500 envelopes in 6 hours is PAINFUL! Stupid wrists are all sore and stuff now from me turning them fast and a lot. lol. Yeah, there was another monkey there yesterday. It was a zoo! ZOO!!!! heheee. Seeing L and Suzanne made me mind-fist at Jake. lol

When monkeydom was done for the day I found a missed call! Score. Was gonna call back but… well my phone is farked. Stupid thing. Twas a Jenn who had called me, so for the hour+half of public transport back home we were msging back and forth, and because of that I kept bursting out laughing on the train! People looked at me weird. heheh.

Went to visit Jenn and AT at ATs place. We watched some Speed Racer and some Family Guy (coz it had a speed racer reference lol)… what else did we watch? Oh ya. We watched Ring 2 (the japanese version) and "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". I was very grateful I already kinda knew what was going on in that movie, made it sooo much easier to understand! We also watched the new Simpsons. Future episodes are amusing. Chief Wiggum was a cyborg! He had a chicken cooking in his stomach!!!!! LMAO!!!!! Heheh… and the Burns estate had flying uni-clams. Clams with a unicorn horn thing! heheheeee!!!!

After all the ATness was done, Jenn and I went train stalking. We had poor timing so we just hung around in the carpark for AAAAAAGES just… being us. That’s always nice. And after the train stalking we went to STAR MART! and got eatables. Mm… bbq chips and coke at 1am. Such a nice dinner lol. We randomed around, when past Breadway and along Cheddar (get it? bread? cheese? bread? cheese?). There was an EVIL truck behind me on Cheddar, it was being all running up my arse and going 10 k over the limit as it tried to run me down!! I think that speeding I did then was necessary and…. safer than driving at the limit!


Now I am sleepy from typing, I think I shall go watch the new simpsons again maybe, oooh!!! I’m gonna watch the Aloha Moe ep! SCORE!!! And then I have to shower coz my hair is smoky stinking. Not such a score. Oh well.


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May 25, 2005

it WAS “cheese? bread?” i hate when im too lazy to move. got to tho. doing. doing. done.