Why are you so stampy?

Ashley finally stopped crying around her uncle today. Not at first, but then Dad patted her forehead and she fell asleep on Matty’s lap. It was so cute.

This afternoon, Jake’s mum and 2 of her sisters came over. We all went out to lunch, where most of us had delicious pizza. Ashley was so well behaved, but that’s because she is an awesome little girl. Her great aunts Donna and Ronna absolutely adored her, of course. They also gifted Ashley a bunch of super-adorable clothes (as did Beth, Lisa’s other sister), so now Ashley has a bunch of adorable little dresses and more summery-type clothes, which is good.

Last night was a bit odd, I’m so used to feeding at 11 and then 3, but last night was 11, 1, and then 5. She didn’t go back to sleep after the 5am feed, so Jake stayed up with her, burping her and walking around and all that, keeping her quiet so everyone else in the apartment could sleep, which was massively lovely of him.

Yesterday Dad put some games on the computer for me. One of them was a Jack the Ripper thing where you had to find things in the pictures. Matty and I finished that game this afternoon. We’re just that good.

!! Matty changed a diaper! He’d been saying all day that there was no way he would, so I’m surprised and impressed.

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I’ve told my sister that I’m not going to change a poopy diaper. She says I will. We shall see. ;p

April 3, 2012

Heh maybe I should stop mucking around and see if there is a time I can come over =P

April 5, 2012

I think Michael should visit too. It would be lovely for him to see his (not-so)-little niece. How lovely that you all got to go out to eat and Ashley behaved herself.