Wherever I go, I will be loving you

I’ve had the same song on repeat for… at least an hour now. I LOVE discovering new songs on my mp3 player. It’s always amusing because clearly, I’ve had the song for some time. So I’ve been having a lovely hour in my ears. Jake was amused when I tried to dance with him to it. Probably because he can’t hear it…

This afternoon it was SNOWING!!! Unfortunately, it was landing like rain. Stupid warm ground. I want to make a snow man. I hope there will be snowmen materials for christmas. That would KICK SO MUCH ASS. Especially because I have snowpeople-appropriate land right outside our place. Much space. Many trees and other things to get bonus snow if needed. And then the town can be amused by the snowcreatures like they were when Natey, Claire and I made a family of snowpeople near the gazebo a few years ago.

It seems I confused people yesterday by saying my permanent resident card had an expiry date. My explanation everywhere has been the same. It’s now like a driver’s license. Will need a new picture in 10 years. Because normal people look different 10 years later. I don’t think I do though. (of course, I’m the one with the shiny light on her face… and that’s only 8 years ago)

Hmm… is hard to think of what to write. Has now been 2 hours of the same song. <3

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December 5, 2009

nope, you haven’t much changed since 1999 🙂 cept married and in America but that’s not much of a visual makeover

The weather today was so bizarre. Every time I was outside, nothing but cold rain. Every time I looked out the window, snow.

December 6, 2009

I left a note. Where did it go? I said, you and Kirsty haven’t changed much, but Matty and Adam both have, and Lauren is now much thinner and Goth. What a beautiful purple sky. I think i can hear thunder in the distance.

December 6, 2009

Snow dog is awesome! I wanted to build snowmen last year so badly, but I learned something heartbreaking. It can be too COLD for snowmen. If it’s not warm (haha) enough, the snow is too powdery and doesn’t stick to itself. *sobs* It was too cold just about all winter! 🙁

December 6, 2009

And I guess it makes sense also to make sure you are still in the country after ten years and that you haven’t gone somewhere else or something. :o) ~jo

December 6, 2009

ryn:I know I woke up and was O_o Snow people! I have never been in snow. You still look the same. 🙂