Walking baby!
10 months, 7 days old. She walked again at the chinese restaurant when we went for dinner. She wandered off holding onto things and then turned around and carefully stepped and stepped and stepped before grabbing my hands, no falling down. I am SO PROUD of my little girl! Great timing too, she is going to meet her great grandmother in 2 days.
She just needs a bit of confidence and then I won’t be able to catch her. She is so fast when holding our hands, although she barely holds us and usually only needs 1 hand to hold. I think that is all just lack of confidence in what she is doing.
Must remember tomorrow when I go to pick up the photos that I should take Jake’s wedding ring (and Jake’s hand) with me so we can get it resized so he can actually WEAR his wedding ring if he wants to. He is so tiny compared to the size he was when we got married so he hasn’t had fat enough fingers for his ring in many years. (Mine never used to fit right until I got pregnant. I’ve been wearing it nonstop for 10 months, which had never happened before. I like it!)
I feel like I should have more to say, but nothing is as important as Ashley walking!
She’s such a funny girl.
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Ashley is soooo clever. She has been on the verge of taking steps by herself for days now, so it wasn’t such a surprise when she started to do it. I love the excited hand-waving and the little jump to get to the wall at the end. *giant hugs*
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heh heh I like the wavy excited hands! Adorable!
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Way to go Ashley!!!
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so cute! she looks so proud of herself too!
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She looks so proud of herself! Is that a happy dance I see?
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Whoooo hoooo. Ashley!!!!!
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Yay for Ashley! She’s a toddler now! ^_^
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Way to go, Ashley!
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