Verbal cabbage
I feel like I am constantly taking ladybugs out of this place. Jake keeps telling me it is good luck. I’m glad they don’t flutter around and spook me anymore, they just sit still, seemingly dead, until I pick them up and place them outside. Lovely. Much better than creepy long-bodied things with long legs that freak me out.
It has been raining all day long. Good thing, the car needed a bit of a wash.
We’ve been having many ‘gassy’ meals lately. Thankfully there is no death-stench while sleeping, or I am just that deep a sleeper. Either way, it is better than being forced to sleep on the couch. I’m too tall to sleep comfortably there.
I wish we had more junior mints. And milky ways.
I have nothing to write about these days.
I love milky ways. I haven’t had one in years… Mmmm…
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Hehe, your couch was exactly me-sized pretty much, so I can imagine it wouldn’t be all that comfortable for you. You should get more Milky Ways. They are tasty. Is the taffy all gone? I’ll probably try again with photobucket. At the very least I’ll put the ones with you and Jake in them up. I might even do that now…
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I lurve lady bugs! They’re so much prettier than any other bug. :o)~jo
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I put verbal cabbage in my word salad.
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