To finish later… NOW THERE ARE MORE WORDS!
Jake is sitting on the couch, just sitting. I think he is waiting for me to go to bed so he can go to bed (Matty got home early so Jake can’t sleep in his room) because I told him if he wakes her he can deal with it. That may be bitchy, but really, she is 10 months old, he should be able to at least try to get her to sleep. He needs to develop some tricks. They both need to learn to get her to sleep without me.
Today was a lovely awesome super fun day of yay.
This morning, Ashley woke up, and when I said "Hi Ashley" she said "Hi Muum". Which was AWESOME. She has said that, but not in response. So that was lovely. She also has the beginnings of her 3rd tooth poking through, the top front one on the… left.
At about 12:30, Ash and I left for Jenn’s house. We got there a little before 1 and hung out for a bit before we put Elouise’s car seat in my Dad’s car and hit the road.
We went to a playground near Northland. Ashley cried most of the way there, which meant I had to sing to her the whole time just to keep her from being hysterical. The playground was pretty fun, but it was really hot so we didn’t stay long. We spent just enough time for the girls to start enjoying themselves, at first they were both kinda having a breakdown.
We went to Northland for lunch. Subway! I had a smoothie as well as my sub, didn’t know they did that. It wasn’t that good. At least the sub was awesome so that made up for it. Then we wandered in a few stores, one of which I bought some ‘neon’ yellow nail polish (I needed something to go under some black crackle polish Mum got me, and that was the best option) and a weird squid sponge thing that looks like a microfiber dusting cloth we have at home. It is meant to be a kids bath sponge. It’s pretty funny.
Fuck, I wanted to write more but I’m being hassled because Jake wants to go to bed. I’ll finish this up tomorrow hopefully. I don’t want to forget all the awesome…
I’m on Matty’s laptop now, and it is daytime, so hopefully I won’t be forced to bed AND the laptop won’t randomly shut down 3 times while I am trying to write an entry. I hope Dad finds out the issue with his laptop…
After Northland, we went back to Jenn’s place to relax, talk, and watch kid’s shows. Man, some of them are so weird. It was nice that Jake wasn’t there because then there could be proper girl talk. We talked about piercings, boobs, sex… all kinds of stuff. And then it was 5:30 and time for me to go home which SUCKED. Jenn thought it sucked just as much, she sent me a message before I was even halfway home because she missed me and loved me so much. How cute. I have to write her a facebook message. I thought about the words last night while I couldn’t sleep between 2 sweaty bodies.
Today’s acitivities are going to Greensie and wrapping presents. I had a lightbulb last night so the presents MUST be wrapped soon. Don’t know when we are going to Greensie, Natey was napping but he may be up now. It is meant to be 32 today so Ash is in a cute loose dress and I have shorts on. And because Dad is home now, I’m thinking we’ll ask to borrow his car for the drive so we can actually have air conditioning!! (Did I write the other day that Dad has loaned me the money to fix Zebu’s air conditioner? That shall rock. So we won’t have to have a disgustingly stifling hot car to cook in every time we want to go somewhere YAY)
I’m hungry! Wake up Natey! It’s food time!
Do you have to put money in the swear jar now? I love the squid sponge. I bet Ashley will love it too. I don’t love the sound Ashley makes as she rubs her new top tooth against the bottom teeth though. *hugs*
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It is STILL a little mind boggling to me that Christmas is and has always been a summer holiday for my Australian friends. And I’m not an idiot (well, not always at least lol) I know how it works and all the that but growing up in Chicago I had a hard time with my southern friends likely not having snow but it’s still WINTER… Christmas… BBQs on the beach in AU? WHAT?!
Glad you’re having fun
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I’m glad you had a lovely time sweetpea. Lee Mee xXx
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Hopefully you get air conditioner.
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