They have paintos!
Ellen just went home. We had a lovely afternoon hanging out.
She rocked up at about 12:30, and we went to lunch at Nando’s. The wall we were sitting next to had a story painted on it, and Ellen noticed that they said "realised" instead of "released" which means they had a typo in paint. Hence my title. Heheh, painto.
After a delicious, filling, spicy lunch, we came back here and made pootastic brownies. Ellen sifted stuff together while I melted the butter (I almost left out 2/3 of the butter… that would have been an even worse mistake than last time when I left out 2/3 of the cocoa…) and then she mixed everything together while I ran around putting things away. We make a good team. The brownies… so very very good. Super pootastic. It’s been a long time since I have eaten them as brownies, I usually make them as mini muffins (or as ‘pucks’, using maybe up to half of a regular muffin tin) so they have a firm ‘shell’ but the insides are perfectly goopy but don’t just seem like firm-yet-raw goo like they did today. Mmm, goo.
While the brownies were cooking, we showed Ellen our zoo pictures. I still need to get Natey’s photos. I need the one of me copying the pose of the photo-tiger. It’s extra amusing because there is a tiger on my shirt in that photo. Tiger-shirt!
Once the brownies were out of the oven, we watched Ponyo, because Ellen said it was super cute and we had to see it. So we did. And I agree with her, super super cute. If you haven’t seen it, you should.
After Ponyo (during which we ran off and grabbed brownies… mmm…) we watched a Cirque De Soliel thing that was on tv. I truly feel like I have napped now, because we watched that for maybe an hour, just laying still on the bed. I rarely actually sleep when I nap, so yes, I napped. And now I’m all refreshed and want to go to the playground or something. That was fun that day when Claire brought her dog Huey over and we all went for a walk. Playground fun yay! Swings!
I don’t know what this evening shall be. Maybe dinner but possibly not. I am still full of nandos and brownies. Tuesday dinner we are going out somewhere as a family for a ‘goodbye’ type thing. We are leaving on Thursday, but seeing as we are probably going out for Indian, it’s probably for the best that we aren’t doing that the night before a lot of being on a plane. We would possibly stench-kill the other passengers if we did that.
you typo’d the the title

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Should your title have been ‘They have paintos!’? hehehee I just realised (released, hehehe) that I have three different punctuation marks at the end of the first sentence.
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Mmm brownies
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Sad leaving
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Mmm Nandos. You’re leaving already, wtf, didn’t you juts get there?!
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Stench-kill = worth it! :oD I want to make brownies but Clay is allergic to wheat (he has Celiac disease) so it would be mean to fill the house with brownies that he can’t eat. :o/ ~jo
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